Welcome To The Shadow Dominions Bottalions

Home Blog Hear We Can Disscuss Your Playstation Home Problems

if your good people And have a Play station 3 join us Or one of our Allied Clubs Posted on the Poster Further Down If you fit these requierments Please join us in our cause to clean up home The Commanders of the Shadow Dominions Battalions Welcome You

Crawling Darkness

Crawling Darkness
Come To Me And Die

Lady of Dark Light

Lady of Dark Light
Were Watching you

The House of Geovonni Bruha

The House of Geovonni Bruha
The next 1

Dark Servent

Dark Servent
The Changeling

The Anchient ones

The Anchient ones
Dark Council

The Housee of Seth Bruha

The Housee of Seth Bruha
The Dark Lord

The Hipno Weel

The Hipno Weel
Time To Behave

T*S*D*B 508th Storm Troopers unit

T*S*D*B 508th Storm Troopers unit

T*S*D*B 508 th scout troopers unit

T*S*D*B 508 th scout troopers unit

Call To Darkness

Call To Darkness
Listen & Come to us

The Dark Book Of The Shadow Dominions Battalions Dark Nation

The Dark Book Of The Shadow Dominions Battalions Dark Nation
T*S*D*B Dark Bible

Friday 3 October 2014

These are New Shadow Dominions Id Cards Posters Etc...

This is the SD Coat of arms 

This is the shadow dominions House of Andre Linoge ID Card

This next one Is 4 The white Dragon Knights 

The Next is 4 the main unit house 

The Next Is 4 The SGHP

Next is the Shadow Dominions Blank letter head
SD Welcome letter
The next few things are The Coat of arms 4 the main the wkc and the Dragons lair 

There will be many more Things added so keep attention paid to the page I Have resolved the computer issues that have had me away from the page so there will be much more stuff to come
I Will be uploading Character sheets  so we may role play on line Please take pics of you in you'r spaces on home as well as your best looks these will serve as you're Character pictures your wealth etc...

Wednesday 3 September 2014

The Shadow Dominions battalions has added a new facebook page in honour of the Star Gate Home Project The Newest to our club family https://www.facebook.com/TheStarGateHomeProject

Sunday 6 July 2014

Topic of the day

Peakvox labs http://community.us.playstation.com/t5/PlayStation-Home/Peakvox-Labs-Rewards-amp-Guide/td-p/39723841

This link Shows How you Get Every award There is to get at the labs enjoy Link Provided By Sony Corporation *-* 
    we the owners and opperators of the shadow dominions wish you safe and happy gaming today and every day pleasent hunting and see you on the network