Names found on a scroll from a long time ago in a galaxy far far away...
Arcona from Cona
They have triangular heads. - 32Male Names
Unut Poll - Poll is presumably the family name. - 11Barabel
They are a vicious, reptilian people from Barab I. - 32Female Names
Skahtul - 11Bith from Clak'dor VII
(Bith are craniopods with large, bald craniums, large, lidless, black eyes, and long fingers. They have pale pink, yellow, or (rarely) green skin and have a great sense of smelling and hearing. They are often engineers, scientists, intellectuals, consultants, and musicians. Doikk Nats was one of the band members in the Mos Eisley cantina).Look at Bith to see what they look like.
Female Names
Herian - Herian I'ngre was a female starfighter pilot - 12Ulaha - Ulaha Kore was a member of the New Jedi Order - 12
Male Names
Barquin - Barquin D'an was the brother of Figrin D'an - 12Doikk - Doikk Na'ts was a member of the Modal Nodes Band on Tatooine - 11
Figrin - Figrin D'an was a founder of the Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes band. He played the kloo horn and was called the best klooist in the galaxy. - 12
Lirin - Lirin Car'n was a musician with the Modal Nodes on Tatooine - 11,12
Rappapor - Rappapor was a smuggler - 12
Thal - Thal K'sar designed the hyperwave transceiver and holoprojector of Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray's mechno-chair. - 12
Last Names
Car'n - Lirin Car'n was a musician with the Modal Nodes on Tatooine - 11,12D'an - Figrin D'an was a founder of the Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes band - 12
I'ngre - Herian I'ngre was a starfighter pilot - 12
K'sar - Thal K'sar designed the hyperwave transceiver and holoprojector of Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray's mechno-chair. - 12
Kore - Ulaha Kore was a member of the New Jedi Order - 12
Na'ts - Doikk Na'ts was a member of the Modal Nodes Band on Tatooine - 11
Bothans from Bothawui
Refer to Bothan to see what they look like.Female Names
Asyr - Asyr Sei'lar made a pass at Gavin Darklighter of Tatooine - 10, 11Kolir - Kolir is a female Jedi Knight. - 24
Mineth - This name means "musical" or, more literally, "likes to sing" in the Bothan language. - 19
Rasher - Rasher Ke'e was a female Bothan in the time of Luke and Ben Skywalker - 29
Yaqeel - Yaqeel Saav'etu is a Bothan Jedi during the time of Luke Skywalker and his son, Ben. - 25
Male Names
Borsk - Borsk Fey'lya was a rival of Ackbar. He was born into clan Alya. - 7Grendu - A Bothan dealer of rare antiques -9
Karka - Karka Kre'fey was the grandson of General Laryn Kre'fey - 11
Laryn - General Laryn Kre'fey was a Bothan general - 11
Peshk - Peshk Vri'syk was a member of Rogue Squadron - 9
Polo - Polo Se'lab was a senator - 20
Tav - 7
Tiurrg - Tiurrg Drey'lye is a Bothan in the Fate of the Jedi series - 24.
Last Names
Brei'lya - 7Drey'lye - Tiurrg Drey'lye is a Bothan in the Fate of the Jedi series - 24.
Fey'lya - 7
Ke'e - Rasher Ke'e was a female Bothan in the time of Luke and Ben Skywalker - 29
Kre'fey - 11
Sei'lar - 10
Se'lab - 20
Vri'syk - 9
The little alien begging for a drink at the cantina was a Chadra-Fan.Female Names
Tekli - Tekli was a female Chadra Fan in the time of Luke and Ben Skywalker - 29Tili Qua - She was a female Jedi from - Star Wars Legacy #25 (The Hidden Temple, part 1)
The Devaronians or Devish are a horned people from Devaron. - 32.Female Names
Sian Jeisel - A female Jedi Warrior who fought alongside Mace Windu - 32.Male Names
Hivrekh'wao'cheklev - A male Jedi warrior who fought against the Yuuzhan Vong - 32.Kardue'sai'Malloc - 11.
Female Names
Marcha - 11Duros
The Duros hail from the planet Duro. They are a bald, bluish-green species who were among the first races to travel to the stars. Click on Duros to see what they look like.Female Names
Geneer - The last ruler of Duros - 21Melari - Melari Ruxon was a female Duro in the time of Luke and Ben Skywalker - 29
Rana - Famous queen during the time of expansion to the stars - 21
Male Names
Banu - Banu Hydia was a famous explorer in the time of Freia Kallea. Hydia gave his name to the Hydian Way. - 22Dassid - The son of Rana - 21
Mirchidi - Mirchidi NeMall worked in the spaceline shuttle service - 19
NeHimmep - A legendary Duro explorer, gender unknown - 19
Qwallo - Qwallo Mode was a male Duro in the time of Luke and Ben Skywalker - 29
Ruxon - Melari Ruxon was a female Duro in the time of Luke and Ben Skywalker - 29
Vardovin - This was the name of several kings of ancient Duro - 19
Last Names
Arapto - This is one of the more common Duro surnames. It means "swift". Surnames are generally used only with outsiders - 19Hydia - Banu Hydia was a famous explorer in the time of Freia Kallea. Hydia gave his name to the Hydian Way. - 22
Mode - Qwallo Mode was a male Duro in the time of Luke and Ben Skywalker - 29
NeMall - Another surname - 19
Ewoks from Endor
Refer to Ewok to see what they look like.Female Names
Asha - 7Batcheela - 11
Kaink - An old priestess - 7, 11
Kneesaa - 7
Latara - 7
Leeni - 11
Malani - 7
Ra-Lee - 7
Zephee - Wife of Lumat and mother of Latara, Nippett, and Wiley - 9
Male Names
Chirpa - 3Chukha - 7
Deej - 7
Gwig - 9
Logray - 7
Lumat - Tribal woodcutter - 9
Teebo - 7
Paploo - 7
Weechee - 7
Wicket - 7
Widdle - 7
Wiley - 9
Look at Gamorrean to see what they look like.Female Names
Ugmush - Ugmush was a ship's captain - 9Male Names
Jubnuk - 11Ortugg - Jabba the Hutt's lead Gamorrean guard - 9
Rogua - One of Jabba the Hutt's guards - 9
Warlug - A guard for Jabba the Hutt - 9
Gotal from the moon, Antar 4
Gotal have twin conical horns on top of their heads. They come from Antar 4, the fourth moon of the gas giant, Antar. See Gotal to see what they look like. - 31Male Names
Feltipern - Feltipern Trevagg was a tax collector on Mos Eisley when Luke Skywalker was on Tatooine. Feltipern came to a gruesome end after failing to fully research intergalactic social customs. - 31Kaskutal - A Gotal with some force sensitivity who was turned down for Jedi training during the Rise of the Empire - 31
Kith - Kith Kark was a Jedi during the time of the Library of Ossus. He died during the Naddist Revolt c 3,998 BBY - 11, 31
Mahk'khar - A (male?) crime lord - 31
Mnor Nha - 11
Sarlim - Sarlim Gastess had non-functional head cones. He lived among non-Gotals during the Imperial Era - 31
Seek - Seek Ryontarr was a male Gotal in the time of Luke and Ben Skywalker - 29
Ta'laam - Ta'laam Ranth was a senator during the New Republic. He was also in the High Council. - 31
Last Names
Gastess - See Sarlim Gastess - 31Ranth - See Ta'laam Ranth - 31
Ryontarr - Seek Ryontarr was a male Gotal - 29
Trevagg - See Feltiplern Trevagg - 31
Gungans of Naboo
Gungans are an aquatic, amphibian race from Naboo. They can be orange or purple (the Otolla race) or heavier and green-skinned (the Ankura race). Gungans evolved on land and have cloven feet. They have been on Naboo for a very long time and may have originated there. There are records of Gungans fighting woolly veermoks during an ice age c 500,000 BBY. Space travelling visitors to ancient Naboo reported that the Gungans migrated across the plains in the distant past. Reptilian humanoids, whom the Gungans called the "Elders", colonized Naboo around 7,032 BBY and forced the Gungans to retreat to the swamps and oceans. The Gungans later considered the mountains and plains to be deserts. They eventually colonized two moons of Naboo, Ohma-D'un and Rori. Rori was colonized by Gungan extremists. - 30Female Names
Augara - Augara Jowil was an Otolla Gungan from Lianorm Swamp. Her parents sent her to Otoh Gunga to study with Beezar Pert of the Great Municipal Band. She later succeeded him as leader of the band. She composed Symponik Nabooalla which was played in 32 BBY during the victory celebrations in Theed. - 30Fassa - Fassa was the Otolla (orange) neice of Rugor Nass. Rugor Nass was Ankura (green). - 30
Nommi - This name means "nectar". It is also the name of a Gungan candy. - 18.
Male Names
Beezar - Beezar Pert was the leader of the Great Municipal Band of Otoh Gunga before he was succeeded by Augara Jowil. Beezar composed the Symponika Crunchen-Grand, which was a symponik about the formation of the Gungan Grand Army. - 30Gallo - Gallo was an Ankura ancestor of Rugor Nass who lived 3000 years before the Invasion of Naboo. - 30
Ganne - Ganne was the Boss of the Gungan city of Rellias during the Invasion of Naboo - 30
Jar Jar - Jar Jar Binks is an Otolla Gungan - 30
Roos - Roos Tarpals was an Otolla captain and friend of Jar Jar's at the time of the Invasion of Naboo - 30
Rugor - Rugor Nass or Boss Nass was an Ankura (green) Gungan who ruled the Gungan capital of Otoh Gunga and the Gungan High Council. - 30
Last Names
Binks - Binks is an inherited last name because Jar Jar's father is said to be George R Binks in one source. - 30Jowil - See Augara Jowil - 30
Nass - See Rugor Nass - 30
Hutts originated on the planet Varl but they later moved to the planet of Nal Hutta. Some Hutts claim to be almost 1000 years old. They may be hermaphrodites.Visit Hutts to see what they look like.
Aruk - Aruk the Hutt, born Aruk Besadii Aora, was an old leader of the Besadii clan. Durga was his son. - 8, 10Beldorion - Beldorion the Splendid was a Hutt Jedi, before he turned to the Dark Side. He was born 400 years before the Galactic Empire and lived into the time of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo. He preferred to be called "Beldorion of the Ruby Eyes" and "Beldorion the Splendid." He was killed by Leia Organa Solo in 13 ABY.- 26
Bogga - Great Bogga the Hutt was a wealthy crimelord who lived 4000 years before the Galactic Civil War - 9
Durga - Lord Durga the Hutt, born Durga Besadii Tai, masterminded the Darksaber Project, which was an attempt to build a superweapon. The crafty crimelord sought to overthrow Prince Xizor but Durga was killed instead - 9, 10
Gardulla - Gardulla the Hutt was a slave owner and rival of Jabba who once owned Shmi Skywalker and her son - 10
Gorga - Gorga the Hutt was the nephew of Jabba the Hutt. He expected to inherit from Jabba the Hutt but Jabba left him nothing. - 9
Grappa - Grappa the Hutt was involved with the Black Sun - 9
Jabba - Born Jabba Desilijic Tiure on Nal Hutta, he became the great crimelord of Tatooine known as Jabba the Hutt - 9
Jiliac - Leader of the Desilijic clan. Killed by Durga. Jabba took over after his death. - 8
Kordda - Kordda the Hutt was a sickly and despised envoy of Lord Durga the Hutt - 9
Mageye - Mageye the Hutt was a crimelord - 9
Zavval - The Hutt who oversaw the Ylesia spice operation when Han escaped from Ylesia - 9
Zorba - Father of Jabba the Hutt - 9
Clan Names
Besadii - 8Desilijic - 8
Ithorians (Hammerheads) from Ithor
(The alien with the long, curved neck and T-shaped head at the cantina in Tatooine.)Refer to Ithorians to see what they look like.
Female Names
Fandomar - The wife of Momaw Nadon - 9
Male Names
Momaw - Momaw Nadon was exiled to Tatooine by his fellow Ithorians after choosing to save the jungles of Ithor by giving in to the Empire. - 9Last Names
Nadon - Perhaps a last name - 9Jawas from Tatooine
Jawas are said to look like rodents with yellow eyes. Most say that they are descended from the Kumumgah of Tatooine, whose spacegoing civilization was destroyed by the Rakata. The Kumumgah then gave rise to the Jawas and the tall Ghorfas, who became the Sand People. Others say Jawas evolved from a rodent-like species that learned to reach lichens and fungi growing in underground caves and learn to walk upright. Some Jawas have claimed their people are not native to Tatooine. It is not known if this information is reliable. The Imperial Archaeological Division in 1 ABY proposed that the Jawas came from a space-going civilization and that ancient stone carvings on Corellia and Coruscant are of Jawa origin. - 15, 32Jawa society is male-dominated but women can gain power as shamans. Jawas are negotiators and traders par excellence. They are adept at taking junk and making it function... for a time.... Non-Jawa traders quickly learn that with Jawas they need to have payment up front or they will not get anything. Jawas are generally seen as swindlers but they are passive and non-violent.
Mambay is Jawa-ese for "I hope so". A Jawa insult is, "You have the heart of a Hutt." Another Tatooine saying that comes from either the Jawas or the settlers is: "May you always find shade from the suns."- 23, 33 et al
Go to Jawas to see what they look like.
Note: This listing includes names from computer games.
Female Names
Aguilae/Aquilae - This is a human approximation of Khea Nkuul's Jawa name. 7, 33Aved Luun - She was a shaman and the wife of Chief Kalit. Kalit and Wittin were rivals who met at Jabba's Palace for peace talks. Aved Luun suspected someone would betray them there in 4 ABY - 33
Herat - Herat was the shaman of Wittin's tribe and was Wittin's advisor during his dealings with Jabba the Hutt. She was a retainer of Jabba the Hutt while her tribe served him. When Jabba the Hut and Wittin were killed, Herat and a few others were free. They travelled in the desert and found Kitster Banai in the desert. The Jawas agreed to take him to Anchorhead but they were attacked by stormtroopers and Tusken Raiders. Herat survived the destruction of her clan's sandcrawler and went with Han and Leia Solo during part of their adventures on Tatooine in Tatooine Ghost - 23, 33
Khea Nkuul - Khea Nkuul was from clan Weekkata. She was the manager of Jawa Traders, a droid store in Mos Eisley. The store was frequented by smugglers etc. and she had to act quickly to stay alive. She took on a male Squib, Macemillian-winduarté, to help her. Humans called her Aguilae or Aquilae. - 33
Male Names
Akial - He is the only known Jawa Jedi. He took offense when people said to him, "Utinni!" (the Jawa cry). - 33Akkik - 33
Aktik - This little guy appears in a computer game where he can be bought for 300 Station Cash from the vendor droid 80-T5 in the Jedi Temple or via the in-game shop - 33
Daroe - He was a Jawa who told the Empire about rebel dealings in the Outer Rim. - 33
Dathcha - He was the lead scout under Chief Nebit. He was adventurous and taunted a krayt dragon. He wanted to see galaxy but he was killed by stormtroopers looking for C-3PO and R2-D2. His nephews were Enjikket and Yeelhoy. - 2, 33
Deja - He was exiled after his prophetic dreams of a destroyed sandcrawler came true. He became a mechanic in Mos Eisley. One day he was fixing a ship whose hyperdrive engines accidentally came on and he found himself in space. He served as a mechanic for some time before the crew got tired of him and dropped him off on Nubia, where he continued to work as a mechanic. His story comes from a computer game. - 33
Eet - Eet Ptaa was a clan leader - 9
Enjikket - He was the nephew of Dathcha - 33
Ezjenk - He was part of Nebit's tribe. He put the restraining bolts on C-3PO and R2-D2. He wore a woodoo-leather cuirass. - 33
Het - Het Nkik was an unusually brave who felt that Jawas did not have to be powerless. His belief was reaffirmed when he and the other Jawa on his sandcrawler came across an old man who was respectfully burning dead Jawas who had been killed by the stormtroopers who were looking for C-3PO and R2-D2. Het's friend, Jek Nkik, was one of the dead. Het and the old man (Obi-Wan Kenobi) talked and Obi-Wan said that Jawas did not have to be powerless. Het determined to attack Imperial stormtroopers in Mos Eisley for killing his friend, Jek Nkik. Unfortunately, a Ranat stole the power supply from his new weapon and Het was killed when he tried to fire his non-functional weapon. - 7, 9, 33
Hrar - Hrar Kkak sold Het Nkik a blaster rifle - 9, 33
Iasa - He was a friend of Chief Kalit but he proved untrustworthy with his credits, sandcrawler, etc. Iasa was near Chalmun's Cantina when he approached Luke Skywalker's X-34 landspeeder and was shooed away. - 33
Iziz - He was a Jawa chieftain who lived during the Jedi Civil War and who interacted with Jedi Revan in his search for the Rakatan Star Map in the Eastern Dune Sea. Iziz's storyline comes from a computer game - 33
. Jek - Jek Nkik was the friend of Het Nkik. Jek was killed by stormtroopers looking for C-3PO and R2-D2 - 7, 33
Jik'Tal - Jik'Tal spent his childhood on top of sandcrawlers staring at the stars and wondering what life would be like out there. He was forced into exile after he saved his tribe by killing a moisture farmer who was irate about being sold a substandard moisture vaporator. Jik'Tal had saved his people from a route but he broke the Jawa rule of non-violence. Jik'Tal left Tatooine with 7 loyal companions and found security work for Yin Vocta, an "information broker" who also ran a restaurant, Bantha Traxx. The Jawas were trained by a Rodian named Ne'Chak until they were expert security guards. Jik'Tal was quite violent for a Jawa and did not take kindly to insults about his size. - 33
Jiktha - He was a junk peddler in Mos Espa who sold Jabba the Hutt a faulty droid. Jabba put a bounty out for Jiktha. He was worth 1,000 credits alive and 500 dead. Jango Fett claimed the bounty after the Battle of Naboo. - 33
Ji'Ni - Ji'Ni Sil lived during the Galactic Civil War - 33
Kalit - A Jawa chieftain and rival of Wittin. Kalit's wife was Aved Luun. Thedit and Iasa were in Kalit's tribe. - 33
Keth-Keth - He lived on the planet Cularin during the time of the Clone Wars. He worked with the Rodian Meelo, the Wookiee Roorrwiir, a Jedi, and others to free some captives. He was considered extremely annoying but sometimes proved useful. To divert attention from their actions, he spray painted the words, ""W.O.L.F." on an OPS speeder and shouted, "Wookiee Liberation Front" and "Free Kashyyyk." These actions got some publicity and helped lead to the formation of a real Wookiee Liberation Front. He wore a blast helmet with a vocabulator on it to translate his words into Basic. - 33
Kiatha - He had a bounty on him and was wanted by Coruscanti police for mishandling a Ronto - 33
Kiottja - He led the Salt Steppes Jawa clan - 33
Klepti - This name is based on a pun, kleptomaniac, so use with caution. - 33
Maliki - He was a Jawa spy. He was hurt in the course of his activities and was grateful when a medical droid helped him. - 33
Meso - Meso Laloo was a junk dealer during the Galactic Civil War - 33
Nebit - Nebit was a Jawa chief. His tribe sold the droids to Owen Lars. Some of his tribe were giant Jawas. The tribe was attacked by Imperial stormtroopers. Dathcha, Enjikket, Ezjenk, Pachwenko, Ukchet, Uutkik, Yeelhoy, Zubwen the Tower, and Jek Nkik were part of his tribe. - 33
Nolar - Nolar Fe'li was a junk dealer during the Galactic Civil War. - 33
Pachwenko - Pachwenko was a tall Jawa in Nebit's tribe. He was known as Patches by the settlers because of the patches in his robe. - 33
Ribbo Qua'lu - He was a junk dealer who lived during the Galactic Civil War. - 33
R'kik - R'kik D'nec was the Hero of the Dune Sea who fought off Tusken Raiders, banthas and krayt dragons and was a champion player of the Dune Sea version of sabacc. He was a legend, although some doubted his stories as there were no witnesses. - 33
Thedit - Thedit was an inspiring leader who patrolled Kalit's territory and kept a watch for approaching krayt dragons, Sandpople, and rival Jawa clans, such as Wittin's. - 33
Tiatha - A male Jawa known for his expert scavenging skills. He once stole a blaster, a family heirloom, from his brother. He lived during the Galactic Civil War.- 33
Tteel - Tteel Kkak was a sandcrawler captain - 11, 33
Ttekket - He was a bounty hunter who lived during the Clone Wars. He worked with Cad Bane. - 33
Ukchet - He was a scout from Nebit's tribe who first spotted R2-D2 in the Jundland Wastes. - 33
Uutkik - He was Het Nkik's cousin and was in the same tribe as Dathcha (Nebit's). He was with the sandcrawler that found C-3PO and R2-D2 and then sold them to the Lars family. Uutkik was known as a thief. - 33
Wassak - He told stories of intelligent womp rats who seemed to know what a blaster was. They attacked him when he drew his blaster but they stopped trying to take a scrap droid away when he killed one of them. Instead they took the body of the dead womp rat. Wassak lived during Imperial times. - 33
Wimateeka - He was the chief of the Nkik clan. He was a friend of the moisture farmer, Ariq Joanson and taught him Jawaese. Wimateeka helped Ariq keep the peace between moisture farmers, Jawas, and Sandpeople. When he was attacked by aliens and humans he hired someone to destroy his enemies' base. - 7, 33
Wittin - A Jawa leader who robbed travellers and plundered Moisture Farmers. He died during the Battle of the Great Pit of Carkoon when Jabba's sailbarge was destroyed. - 33
Yeelhoy - He was Enjikket's brother and a nephew of Dathcha - 33
Zubwen - He was part of Nebit's tribe and was so tall that he was called "the Tower". - 33
Clan (Last) Names
D'nec - 33Fe'li - This is a clan name or part of Nolar Fe'li's name. - 33
Kkak - 7, 9
Laloo - This is a clan name or part of Meso Laloo's name - 33
Luun - This could be a clan name or it could be part of Aved Luun's name. - 33
Meeknu - The Meeknu clan were taken before the Clone Wars to operate heavy machinery on Raxus Prime. - 33
Nkik - 4, 9
Ptaa - 9
Qua'lu - This is a clan name or part of Ribbo Qua'lu's personal name - 33
Rkok - 4
Kaminoans from Kamino
Female Names
Taun We - A female Kaminoan from SW: Attack of the Clones. (The spelling comes from one of the specials on the DVD).Kubaz from Kubindi, Ku'Bakai system, Outer Rim
(The Kubaz have short trunks, rough black-green skin, and large, sensitive eyes. They frequently wear goggles to protect their eyes from bright lights. The spy with a short trunk and a brown cloak in the streets of Tatooine was a Kubaz).Refer to Kubaz to see what the Kubaz or Kubazians look like.
Male Names
Garindan - The Mos Eisley operative who turned in Han Solo to the Empire - 11Thwim - 11
Mon Calamari from Mon Calamari
See Mon Calamari to see what they look like.Female Names
Cilghal - A Mon Calamari Jedi trained by Luke Skywalker - 10Ibtisam - A member of Rogue Squadron. She fell in love with a male Quarren member of Rogue Squadron. - 9, 16
Jesmin - Niece of Admiral Ackbar - 6
Male Names or Last Names
Ackbar - 6Cha Niathal - 24
Ean - A member of Wedge Antilles' crew - 9
Perit - Involved in the Black Sun crime syndicate - 9, 11
Terpfen - 7
Toklar - A Mon Calamari philosopher who inspired Admiral Ackbar - 9
Male Names
Farge - Frage Osaax was a Neimodian explorer in the time of Freia Kallea - 22Thoax - Thoax Osaax was a Neimodian explorer in the time of Freia Kallea c 3700 BBY - 22
Last Names
Osaax - See Thoax and Farge Osaax - 22Neti
The Neti are shape-shifting, sentient plants. Their species arose on Myrkr and they later moved to Ryyk. Some moved to Nerit, a moon of Ossus. They are very long-lived and reproduce very slowly. They are so rare that they are almost mythical. All Neti are force-sensitive so many were Jedi. See Neti for more information.Female Names
T'ra Saa - Female Jedi from the time of Mace Windu who survived the Clone Wars. She fell in love with a human, Jedi Master Tholme. She was several hundred years old by the time of the Clone Wars. Her light saber looked woody. She might have been 4000 years old because she was from Myrkr, the original Neti homeworld that was abandoned about that time. - 27Male Names
Garnoo - A Jedi - 27Ood Bnar - A Jedi - 27
Presumed Male Name
Frond Dra-loor - 27Shal Koom - 27
Tuwan Urlu - 27
Tuk Umkur - 27
Presumed Last Names
Bnar - 27Dra-loor - 27
Koom - 27
Saa - 27
Umkur - 27
Urlu - 27
Ortolan Names from Orto
Ortolans are stocky, pachydermoid bipeds with long snouts, and large floppy ears. They often have blue fur but can have grey and other colored fur. Ortolans came from the cold, mineral-rich planet of Orto. They are very fond of food and music and can hear in the subsonic range.- 17Female Names
Sleta - Sleta Suke was the daughter of the Ortolan ambassador to Coruscant. Beloved by Trunks Bibo. - 17Male Names
Belo - Belo Tusus was a financial minister - 17Handree - Handree Braman was the owner of the CardSafe restaurant on Coruscant. - 17
Max - Max Rebo was a famous musician - 17
Nem - Nem Bees was a Jedi Knight who was killed during the execution of Order 66. - 17
Vondri - Vondri Deeq was the head chef of a restaurant on Lamaredd. - 17
Last Names
Baloob - A barman - may be a male name - 17Bees - Nem Bees was a Jedi Knight who was killed during the execution of Order 66. - 17
Bibo - May be a male name. Trunks Bibo was a street gang member of Coruscant who loved Sleta Suke, the daughter of the ambassador. - 17
Braman - Handree Braman was the owner of the CardSafe restaurant on Coruscant. - 17
Deeq - Vondri Deeq was the head chef of a restaurant on Lamaredd. - 17
Eembek - Common Ortolan name. May be a male name - 17
Miebar - Common Ortolan name. May be a male name - 17
Nabkess - Common Ortolan name. May be a male name - 17
Ooben - Common Ortolan name. May be a male name - 17
Rebo - Max Rebo was a famous musician - 17
Ruzness - Common Ortolan name. May be a male name - 17
Suke - Sleta Suke was the daughter of the Ortolan ambassador to Coruscant. Beloved by Trunks Bibo. - 17
Tusus - Belo Tusus was a financial minister - 17
Ydde - Ortolan trader impersonated by Nem Bees - May be a male name - 17
Quarren from Mon Calamari
The Quarren are a conservative, practical race. Most prefer to stay on their homeworld but those who travel are often accountants. Many Quarren immigrated to Minntooine (19). Visit Quarren to see what they look like.Male Names
Amit - Amit Noloff was a Quarren from Iego - 16Borun - Borun Call was a Quarren - 18
Dhidal - Dhidal Nyz was a Quarren bounty hunter - 16, 24
Loppak - Loppak Slusk was a Quarren crime boss - 16
Notha - Notha Dab was an alias for Nrin Vakil but presumably it is a good Quarren name - 20
Nrin - Nrin Vakil was a member of Rogue Squadron who fell in love with a Mon Calamri member of Rogue Squardon, Ibtisam - 9, 16, 24
Salin - 7 Seggor - Seggor Tels was a Quarren who betrayed the planet, Mon Calamari, to the Empire. He later repented - 9
Tundra - Tundra Dowmeia was a pro-Republic senator - 16
Last Names
Azard - Darth Azard was a Quarren Sith in 130 ABY - 16Call - 18
Dab - 20
Dowmeia - Tundra Dowmeia was a pro-Republic senator - 16
Glek - 7
Jerresk - May be a male first name - Quarren pirate - 16
Maleval - Quarren name? Darth Maleval was a Quarren Sith in 130 ABY - 16
Noloff - Amit Noloff was a Quarren from Iego - 16
Nyz - Dhidal Nyz was a Quarren bounty hunter - 16, 24
Pwoe - May be a male fist name. Pwoe was the Quarren Senator of Calamari Sector in the New Republic Senate and served on Borsk Fey'lya's Advisory board.
Slusk - Loppak Slusk was a Quarren crime boss - 16
Tels - 9
Tessek - May be a male first name. Accountant of Jabba the Hutt - 7, 16
Tikkes - Corrupt Quarren senator of the Calamari Sector - source?
Vakil - Nrin Vakil was a member of Rogue Squadron who fell in love with a Mon Calamri member of Rogue Squardon, Ibtisam - 9, 16, 24
Vekker - May be a male first name or a last name; Vekker was involved with the Black Sun crime syndicate - 9
Rodians of Rodia
(Greedo's people, who have green skin and large, multifaceted eyes.)Go to Rodian to see what they look like.
Female Names
Neela - Greedo's mother - 9Male Names
Greedo - The Rodian bounty hunter who tried to kill Han Solo in the cantina on Tatooine - 9Kaddit - Kaddit is a male Rodian in the Fate of the Jedi series - 24. Navik the Red - Leader of the warlike Chattza clan, he was the Rodian grand protector during the Galactic Civil War - 9
Ne'Chak - A Rodian mercenary - 33
Nok - 11
Pqweeduk - Greedo's younger brother - 9, 11
Rosii - Rosii was a male Rodian in the time of Luke and Ben Skywalker - 29
Skee - 11
Thuku - 11
Selonians from Selonia
(Selonians are tall, strong, burrowing race of beings with short fur. They can be bipedal or walk on all fours. Only the infertile females are seen outside of the Corellian system. Most Selonians are infertile females. One in every 100 is male and five in every 100 is a fertile female.)Refer to Selonian to see what they look like.
Female Names
Cavisek - 12Dracmus - 11
Kleyvits - 11
Leyli - An official on Tralus - 12
Maronea - 12
Salculd - 11
Vissica - 12
Male Names
Choyd - A male Selonian - 12Falud - A Selonian who joined the Rebellion - 12
Pumav - An athlete who came in seventh in the biped race. - 12
Sullustans from Sullust
Visit Sullustan to see what they look like.Female Names
Aril - Aril Nunb was the sister of Nien Nunb. She was in Rogue Squadron - 11Huoba - Huoba Neva graduated 4th in her class from the Imperial Academy - 20.
Male Names
Dua - Dua Ningo is a Sullustan, gender unspecified - 22Liat - Liat Tsayv was from Sullust - 11
Moplin - Moplin Jarron was the owner of Heff's Souvenirs - 18
Nep - Nep Dllr was part of Rogue Squadron - 11
Nien - Nien Nunb was Lando's pilot - 11
Seluss - 11
Last Names
Dllr - Nep Dllr was part of Rogue Squadron - 11Jarron - 18
Neva - 20
Ningo - 22
Nunb - The surname of Nien Nunb and his sister, Aril - 11
Tsayv - 11
Talz from Alzoc III
The Talz are furred, four eyed creatures. One was in the Cantina on Tatooine. For a picture, see TalzMale Names
Aj - Aj Koenes was a male Talz - 18Bama - Bama Vook was a pilot - 18
Caldera - Caldera Righim was a Talz on Tatooine - 18
Chup-Chup - Was the son of Bama - 18
Foul - Foul Moudama was a Talz - 18
Medcha - Medcha Wanto was another male Talz - 18
Muftak - An orphaned Talz on Tatooine - 18
Last Names
Koenes - 18Moudama - 18
Righim - 18
Vook - 18
Wanto - 18
They appear to be humanoids with long faces and orange hair - 11.Male Names
Kez-Iban - This is the assumed name of Mon Julpa - 11Mon Julpa - The crown prince - 11
Zatec-Cha - The evil vizier in the time of Mon Julpa - 11
Twi'lek from Ryloth
The Twi'lek are the race with two lekku or head-tails/brain tails. Twi'leks can be blue, black, brown (Xiaan Amersu is once shown as brown although she is usually turquoise), gray, green (Kandon Ark, Daeshara'cor, Deesra Luur Jada, Nima'tar, Oola, Dia Passik, Guun Han Saresh, Laranth Tarak, Connus Trell), orange (Rianna Saren, Cham Syndulla), pink (Suu), purple or violet (Yuthura Ban, Lunae Minx), white (Boc Aseca, Bib Fortuna, Lyn Me, Kh'aris Fenn, Sinya, Tott Doneeta?), and yellow (Aay Vida).Turquoise/teal or Rutian Twi'leks are considered rare, which increases their value as exotic slaves. Perhaps this explains the large number of Rutian Twi'leks who are known outside of Ryloth: Xiaan Amersu, Anoon Bondara, Nilim Bril, Femi, Ann Gella, Tann Gella, Gobi Glie, Norcuna, Numa, Pampy, Alema and Numa Rar, Memah Roothes, Aayla Secura, Seddwia, Squik, Orn Free Taa, Astraal, Griff, Mission, and Shado Vao, and Vette).
The rarest color are the red Lethan Twi'leks. Lethan Twi'leks include Shakka, Alora, Kelad'den, and Fa'ale Leh. Lethan Jedi include B'ink Utrila and Zhar Lestin. Lethan Sith include Darth Talon and Darth Ruyn.
Some Twi'leks dye their skin to produce pleasing patterns. Twi'lek women are known for their seductive traditional dances. Off-planet the women wear silky scarves or net clothing to enhance their seductiveness. Men wear robes.
Twi'lek cities include the capital, Lessu, and the major subterranean city of Kala'uun - 28
Go to Twi-lek to see what they look like. Click on some of the links to see the other Twi'lek skin colors: Memah Roothes, a turquoise Rutian with a more respectable costume,Lunae Minx, purple, center image, Aay Vida, yellow, right image, Laranth Tarak, green, Rianna Saren, orange, Xiaan Amersu as a brown Twi'lek, Lyn Me, a white Twi'lek, Suu, pink Twi'lek, Shakka, red Lethan, and B'ink Utrila, Lethan red, and Darth Ruyn and Darth Talon, Lethan Sith.
Female Names
Aay - Aay Vida was a yellow-skinned Twi'lek dancer on Coruscant's Outlander Club in 22 BBY - 28Aayla - Aalya Secura was a Jedi - 8
Alema - Alema Rar was a post-Luke Skywalker Jedi. She ultimately succumbed to the Dark Side and insanity during the Yuuzhan Vong wars. She and her sister, Numa Rar, were from the major subterranean city of Kala'uun on Ryloth - 8, 28
Alora - A Dark Side Lethan Twi'lek who died in 14 ABY - 28
Ann - Ann Gella was a Rutian Twi'lek with Sebulba in 32 BBY - 28
Astraal - Astraal Vao was a force-sensitive Rutian Twi'lek who lived c 137 ABY - 28
B'ink - B'ink Utrila was a red Lethan Twi'lek Jedi during the rise of the Empire. She died in 19 BBY. - 28
Daeshara'cor - A green-skinned Twi'lek Jedi embittered by the slavery and cruelty of the Yuuzhan Vong. She died during the Yuuzhan Vong War. - 28
Dai - Dai Utrila was a triplet (Dai, Koya, and Rihn Utrila) who may be related to B'ink Utrila - 28
Desha - Desha Lor was a female Twi'lek - 25
Dia - Dia Passik (Diap'assik among Twi'leks) was a green-skinned member of Wraith Squadron during the New Republic. - 28
Dren - Dren Kuu'la was a dancer and bodyguard during the Rise of the Empire. She was red or orange. - 28
Eela - Eela Valotta was part of the "Freedom Convoy". She freed several Twi'lek from Jabba's harem but was captured by Jango Fett - 28
Fa'ale - Fa'ale Leh was a Lethan Twi'lek who was a pilot for Sienar Advanced Projects during the time of Darth Maul - 28
Femi - A female Rutian who lived around 3,653 BBY - 28
Genne - Genne was an assumed name for Fa'ale Leh - 28
Koya - Koya Utrila was a triplet (Dai, Koya, and Rihn Utrila) who may be related to B'ink Utrila - 28
Koyi - Koyi Komad was a student at the Mrlsst Academy who later became involved with Rogue Squadron - 9, 24
Laranth - Laranth Tarak was a green-skinned force sensitive who survived General Order 66. - 28
Lunae - Lunae Minx was a rare purple Twi'lek dancer at the Outlander Club on Coruscant in 22 BBY. - 28
Lyn Me - 2
Memah - Memah Roothes was a Rutian Twi'lek who ran the Soft Heart Cantina in the lower reaches of Coruscant by 6 BBY. When that cantina burnt to the ground under suspicious circumstances, she opened another cantina on the first Death Star at the invitation of the Galactic Empire. She called this one Hard Heart Cantina. She became disillusioned with the Empire after the destruction of Alderaan and escaped before the destruction of the first Death Star. - 28
Nima'tar - A green-skinned Twi'lek scholar who wrote about the Hutt. She was Jabba's dancer for a time. She managed to escape and was replaced by Oola. - 28
Nolaa - Nolaa Tarkona was the half-sister of Oola. Nolaa Tarkona became the first female Twi'lek leader - 8
Numa - Numa Rar was a post-Luke Skywalker Jedi - 8
Oola - Jabba the Hutt's dancer. She was trained at one of the best dance schools on Ryloth and was the daughter of a clan chieftain. She genuinely thought palace life with Jabba would be interesting so she did not escape when Luke Skywalker gave her the chance. C-3PO later told her that Luke Skywalker was coming and would free her again but she did not live to see that. - 7
Rianna - Rianna Saren was an orange Twi'lek who worked with the Rebel Alliance. - 28
Rihn - Rihn Utrila was a triplet (Dai, Koya, and Rihn Utrila) who may be related to B'ink Utrila - 28
Seddwia - Was a Rutian Jedi youngling who escaped Order 66. She was part of the Jedi Soaring Hawkbat Clan. - 28
Shaeeah - Daughter of Suu - 28
Shakka - A red Lethan Twi'lek slave who was at the Boonta Eve classic in 32 BBY - 28
Sienn or Sienn'rha - Sienn was a common name and meant "maiden". Sienn'rha was a dancer who knew Oola. Luke Skywalker provided a chance for Sienn'rha and Oola to escape but only Sienn'rha escaped. Sienn'rha joined the Rebel Alliance. - 28
Sinya - Sinya worked with the Black Sun syndicate at the time of Darth Maul - 28
Suu - Suu was a pink Twi'lek who had a daughter, Shaeeah, and a son, Jek. She later married a human clone trooper, Cut Lawquane, who deserted from the Grand Army of the Republic. - 28
Tann - Tann Gella was a Rutian Twi'lek with Sebulba in 32 BBY - 28
Talon - Darth Talon was a female Sith - 28
Vokara - Vokara Che was a Jedi healer who healed Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. - 28
Vette - A Rutian Twi'lek pirate who had been born into slavery during the Old Republic - 28
Xiaan - Xiaan Amersu was a Rutian or turqoise Twi'lek Jedi who died in 19 BBY. She was shown with brown skin in one source - 28
Yuthura - Yuthura Ban was a violet-skinned Twi'lek who was enslaved by the Hutts. She killed her master and escaped. She became a padawan but could not let go of her anger. She was briefly a Sith before rejoining the Jedi on Dantooine. She lived during the Old Republic - 28
Male Names
Anoon - Anoon Bondara was a Rutian Twi'lek Jedi in the last years of the Galactic Republic - 28Bib - Bib Fortuna was Jabba the Hutt's majordomo - 7
Boc - Boc Aseca (Bocas'eca in Twi'leki) or Boc the Crude dreamed of becoming a Jedi but he became a Dark Jedi and died in 5 ABY. - 28
Cham - Cham Syndulla was an orange-skinned Twi'lek from a noble family. He headed up the Twi'lek freedom fighters during the Clone Wars. He opposed the Galactic Republic and Ryloth senator, Orn Free Taa, whom he believed to be corrupt. He resolved his issues with Senator Taa and the Republic after Jedi Master Mace Windu liberated Ryloth. - 28
Connus - Connus Trell was a green-skinned, corrupt Twi'lek senator during the rise of the Empire - 28
Deesra Luur - Deesra Luur Jada was a green-skinned Jedi from 3,956 BBY - 28
Firith - Firith Olan came to Tatooine to help Bib Fortuna - 9
Guun Han - Guun Han Saresh was a green-skinned Twi'lek from the wealthy and cruel Saresh family. Many from his clan were force-sensitive and he was a Jedi Knight after Great Sith War. He is said to have come from the planet Taris, which elsewhere is stated to be mostly settled by humans. He died in 3,993 BBY - 28
Jek - Son of Suu - 28
Kandon - Kandon Ark was a green-skinned Twi'lek who lived c 3,956 BBY - 28
Kelad'den - A red Lethan Twi'lek who was from an important family. He opposed the Republic - 28
Kh'aris - Kh'aris Fenn was a Twi'lek in league with Count Dooku - 8, 28
Lon - Lon Secura was an uncle of Jedi Aalya Secura - 8
Lonay - Lonay served Prince Xizor - 9
Nat - Nat Secura was the son of Lon Secura - 7, 8
Nawara - Nawara Ven was a member of Rogue Squadron - 9, 24
Newar - Newar Forrth (New'arforrth) was a male Twi'lek Jedi from the Nercathi clan during the New Sith Wars. He died in 1000 BBY. - 28
Nilim - Nilim Bril lived during the time of the Rise of the Empire. - 28
Orn Free - Orn Free Taa was the Twi'lek senator of Ryloth in the Republic Senate during the time of Valorum. He was corrupt but genuinely cared for Ryloth. - 10, 28
Norcuna - A Rutian Twi'lek Jedi during the Rise of the Empire - 28
Pol - Pol Secura was the uncle or father of Jedi Aalya Secura - 8, 10
Ruyn - Darth Ruyn was a Lethan Sith - 28
Shado - Shado Vao was a Rutian Twi'lek and the twin brother of Astraal Vao. He became a Jedi and knew Cade Skywalkder c 137 ABT - 28
Tal'dira - A giant warrior who eventually joined Rogue Squadron - 9
Tardon - Tardon Golor was a starship thief with tattooed head-tails during the New Republic - 28
Tol - Tol Sivron was a scientist who helped create Death Star I - 11, 28
Tott - Tott Doneeta was a Jedi student in the time of Freedon Nadd, 4000 years before the Galactic Civil War - 7, 9
Last Names/Clan Names
Ark - See Kandon Ark - 28Amersu - Xiaan Amersu was a Rutian or turquoise Twi'lek Jedi who died in 19 BBY. She was shown with brown skin in one source - 28
Aseca - See Boc Aseca - 28
Ban - See Yuthura Bam - 28
Bondara - See Anoon Bondara - 28
Bril - See Nilim Bril - 28
Che - See Vokara Che - 28
Doneeta - 7
Fenn - 28
Forrth - See Newar Forrth - 28
Fortuna - Name of Bib Fortuna - 7
Gella - See Tann and Ann Gella - 28
Jada - See Deesra Luur Jada - 28
Komad - See Koyi Komad - 9
Kuu'la - See Dren Kuu'la - 28
Leh - Fa'ale Leh was a Lethan Twi'lek who was a pilot for Sienar Advanced Projects during the time of Darth Maul - 28
Lor - See Desha Lor - 25
Me - Second name of Lyn Me - 2
Minx - Lunae Minx was a rare purple Twi-lek dancer at the Outlander Club on Coruscant in 22 BBY. - 28
Mitt'Ayehe - Owner of the Ayehe dance troop - 19
Olan - See Firith Olan - 9
Passik - See Dia Passik - 28
Rar - See Alema and Numa Rar - 8
Roothes - See Memah Roothes - 28
Saren - Rianna Saren was an orange Twi'lek who worked with the Rebel Alliance. - 28
Saresh - See Guun Han Saresh - 28
Secura - A clan name of Aayla and Nat - 7, 8
Sivron - 11, 28
Syndulla - See Cham Syndulla - 28
Taa - See Orn Free Taa - 28
Tarak - See Laranth Tarak - 28
Tarkona - Nolaa Tarkona was the half-sister of Oola. Nolaa Tarkona became the first female Twi'lek leader - 8
Trell - See Connus Trell - 28
Valotta - Eela Valotta was part of the "Freedom Convoy". She freed several Twi'lek from Jabba's harem but was captured by Jango Fett - 28
Utrila - The clan name of Lethan Twi'leks - 28
Vao - The name of several turquoise Twi'leks - 28
Ven - See Nawara Ven - 9
Vida - Aay Vida was a yellow-skinned Twi'lek dancer on Coruscant's Outlander Club - 28
Tusken Raiders or Sand People from Tatooine
(A'Sharad Hett said that Tusken Raiders are genetically incompatible with humans. They can not use the Force).The Kumumgah, who may have been ancestral to the Sand People and the Jawas, lived on a lush Tatooine before 50,000 BBY. They developed interstellar travel and encountered the Rakata. The Rakata invaded Tatooine, which led the Kumumgah to rebel between 50,000 and 25,000 BBY. Kumumgah slaves were taken by the Rakata and scattered across many planets. The Rakata bombarded Tatooine from orbit and turned it into a slag planet of fused glass. The glass eroded into desert sand. Tuskens have been found on Sulon, a moon of Sullust, but this represents a recent people movement - 33 etc.
The Galactic Republic rediscovered Tatooine around 5000 BBY. Settlers from this time disrupted the water supply of the sedentary cave-dwelling people of the Ghorfa culture. These cave-dwellers evolved into the nomadic Sand People. The term "Sand People" dates to 4000 BBY. The Czerka Corporation had to abandon their mines around 4000 BBY, which allowed the Jawa to take over their sandcrawlers.
Tatooine was again rediscovered in 1,100 BBY. The term "Tusken Raider" dates to the attacks on Fort Tusken in 98-95 BBY.
Go to Tusken Raiders to see what they look like.
Female Names
K'Sheek - A human female who was the mate of Sharad Hett and the mother of A'Sharad - 14Tahiri Veila (human rather than Tusken name?) - A human adopted by the Tuskens as a child. She later became a Jedi Knight. - 14
Male Names
A'Sharad - A'Sharad Hett was a human Jedi who had lived amongst the Tusken Raiders. He was the son of Jedi Knight Sharad Hett who had gone native on Tatooine and controlled a tribe of Tusken Raiders. He knew Anakin Skywalker. A'Sharad Hett survived the purge and returned to Tatooine. - 8A-Zulmun - A tribal leader - 14
Grk'kkrs'ar - A mythic fearless Tusken Raider - 14
Grk'Urr'Akk - 33
Hoar - The only known Tusken to master the ancient art of Teräs Käsi - 14
Orr Agg R'orr - Shot at Teemto Pagalies at the Boonta Eve Classic - 14
Orr'UrRuuR'R - 33
Orrh Or'Ur - 33
Raito - Hunted Jedi during the Great Sith War - 14
RR'uruurrr - Attacked Luke Skywalker in the Jundland Wastes - 14
Sardu Sallowe - A bounty hunter - 14
Sharad Hett - A human Jedi who was adopted into the Tuskens as an adult - 14
Sliven - A Tusken Raider leader whose tribe raised Tahiri Veila, a Force-sensitive human - 9
URoRRoR'R'R - A hunter who captured Luke Skywalker and R2-D2. - 14
Male Names
Grimorg - 11Whiphid
Male Names?
Fillin Ta - 11Norun Gep - (This could be Cep) - 11
Wookiees from Kashyyyk
Look at Wookies to see what they look like.Female Names
Dewlannamapia - A friend of Han's who was also known as Dewlanna - 6, 9Jowdrrl - Chewbacca's cousin - 9
Kallabow - Chewbacca's sister and mother of Lowbacca - 10
Kybacca - The senior Wookiee New Republic senator - 9
Mallatobuck (Malla) - Chewbacca's wife - 3
Raabakyysh (Raaba)- An admirer of Lowbacca - 9
Sirrakuk - 11
Wynni - A Wookiee smuggler -8
Male Names
Attichittcuk - Chewbacca's father - 3Chalmun - 7
Dryanta - A cousin of Chewbacca - 9
Eugroothwa - 1
Grakchawwaa - a king - 1
Groznik - A Wookiee involved with Rogue Squadron -9, 11
Guanta - 2
Kerrithrarr - 7
Lachichuk - 1
Lowbacca - Chewbacca's nephew who trained at Luke's Jedi academy - 7,9
Lumpawarrump - Chewbacca's son - 3
Merumeru - 1
Nawruun - An old slave freed by Chewbacca -9, 11
Ralrracheen - Ralrracheen was one of the few Wookiees who was able to speak Basic. His nickname was Ralrra. - 9
Salporin - Chewbacca's best friend - 1, 10
Shoran - A cousin of Chewbacca - 9, 11
Snoova - A Wookiee bounty hunter - 9
Tarfful - 2
Tojjevvuk - An albino Wookiee who fought with Chewbacca over Mallatobuck - 10
Tyvokka - A wookiee Master on the Jedi Council during the Stark Hyperspace Conflict - 8
1 - Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars, Trisha Biggar, New York: Harry N Abrams Inc., 2005.2 - Star Wars Complete Locations: Inside the Worlds of the Entire Star Wars Saga, Kristin Lund, Simon Beecroft, Kerrie Dougerty and James Luceno, New York: Dorling Kindersley, 2005.
3 - Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Raymond L. Velasco, Ballantine/Del Rey, 1994.
4 - The Illustrated Star Wars Universe, Kevin J. Anderson, New York: Bantam Books, 1995, 1997.
5 - Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Illustrated Screenplay, George Lucas, New York: Del Rey/Ballantine, 1999.
6 - Women of Star Wars - (No longer active?)
7 - Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Characters, Andy Mangels, New York: Ballantine/Del Rey, 1995.
8 - Star Wars: The New Essential Chronology, Daniel Wallace and Kevin J. Anderson, New York: Ballantine Books,2005.
9 - A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, 3rd edition, Bill Slavicsek, New York: Ballantine Publishing Group, 2000.
10 - Star Wars: The New Essential Guide to Characters, Daniel Wallace, New York: Ballantine Books, 2002.
11 - Star Wars Encyclopedia, Stephen J. Sansweet, New York: Ballantine/Del Rey, 1998.
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