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Saturday, 12 May 2012
Welcome Creatures of the Darkness
The Shadow Dominions Has Lost 1 Millitary Unit To Gain 2 Vampiric Magi Units The House Of Geovonni And The House Of Seth Bruha
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Magi Spells And Incantation's
ReplyDeleteIncantations and Magic Spells
Incantations are words spoken during a magical ritual in magic, occultism, and witchcraft for invoking or praising a deity, casting a spell, or manipulation of an object or a person. The term derives from the Latin word incantare, meaning to "chant (a magical spell) upon," from in- "into, upon" and cantare "to sing."
Enchantments and Incantations
Medieval literature, fairy tales, folklore, and modern fantasy fiction usually depict enchantments (from the Old French enchantement) are charms or spells. The term found its way into the English language around AD 1300 and led to the popularization of the terms enchanter and enchantress, to identify those who use enchantments.
Incantations: a Form of Magic Enchantment
Incantations commonly use repetition, performative language, and a formulaic composition. The earliest incantations in English are difficult to differentiate from the riddles and other short poems of Old English poetry, however, they rely strongly on metaphor, something relatively rare in Anglo-Saxon poetry, but nearly universal to incantations.
Most incantations are metrical in the way they are written. Almost all incantations invoke the aid of a divine being or some other spiritual entity and require some sort of physical action by the reciter in order for the incantation to work.
Magic Spells
In traditional fairy tales and fantasy literature, an enchantment is a magical spell that is attached to a specific person, object or location, and alters its qualities, normally in a positive way. One widely-known example being the magic spell that Cinderella's Fairy Godmother cast to turn a pumpkin into a coach. Enchantments with negative characteristics are usually called curses.
Enchantments are also used to describe spells that cause no real effects but deceive people, either by directly affecting their thoughts, using some kind of illusion, or by deceiving them into believing they have experienced a magical transformation. Enchantresses are frequently depicted as being able to employ this kind of magic.
More on incantations...
Magic Spell Collections:
Potent Protection Spells
Karanina's Book of Spells
The Lost 21 Spells of Domesius
Ancient Conjurations and Invocations
The Passion Spells of France
Earth-Based Power Spells
Silkira's Sex Magic
Witch Oil Spells
The Spells of Seven
Individual Magic Spells
Magic Love Spells
Magic Lost Love Spells
Magic Protection Spells
Free White Magic Spells
Free Black Magic Spells
Wicca Spells
Voodoo Spells
Witchcraft Spells
Astral Travel...
ReplyDeleteAstral Projection, out of body experience, lucid dreaming
Don't you want to know what the other side will be like?
We all leave our physical bodies when we go to sleep at night. You may have thought you were dreaming when actually you out of body traveling 'round the astral planes. For instance if you were dreaming in full blown color and maybe flying or falling. In these scenarios you would be actually be astral projecting. You can learn to consciously leave the body by using my porthole device or you can use my dream control method, or maybe this method here. Just so you know... there are many different methods to induce an out of body experience. There is no best method. The best method is whatever works best for you. Here is one simple method that is easy to learn...
1.Simply lay down with the lights off. Make sure you are completely relaxed. Lie there and be quite and still, calm and clear your mind.
2.Imagine your astral body which may look like gray matter shaped in the form of your body. Imagine it lifting and floating out of your body, floating up to the ceiling in your room.
3.Turn and look down and try to see you body lying there. If you are successful you may want to stay in the room and float around a bit, staying close to the body. Or you can choose to walk through walls and travel to where ever you wish to go. You can fly there or you can will yourself there instantly.
Here are some pointers...
***Watch what you think. Everything you think can manifest on the astral planes. So you don't want to be thinking about anything evil or you will attract it!
***Anytime you think you are scared and or lost, just think of your body and you will be back in it in a flash.
***Ever notice that when you are falling in a dream and you hit the bottom you always wake up quickly! That is your astral body snapping back into place.
***The use of drugs can lower your vibrations meaning you will not be able to travel to higher astral planes where the vibrations are higher.
***The reason you will want to travel higher on the astral planes is because you may have to escape an attack by a lower vibrating entity. They can not travel to the higher planes.
Astral Accelerator Portal Device
The Astral Accelerator is for producing conscious OBE's for people who are experienced at projecting and for those who are still learning. This will help you to center your mental focus by concentrating on the center ring. This is the door where you will go through. When staring at this device try to see past the door and you will feel the magnetic pull of the out rings pulling you in. Even if you don't consciously project you will at least feel the magnetic pull and you can try to simulate that when you lay down in bed and try the last method I discussed. Understand that this device has no actual power. It is simply a training tool for the mind.
The Science of Total Recall of your Dreams...
ReplyDeleteBelieve it or not you can learn to recall most all your Dreams. With these simple techniques you can start remembering dreams within the first or second night of practice. It's sort of like self hypnosis in a way. You are simply making suggestions to your mind before you are completely asleep. This state of mind is called the borderline sleep level. It is when your brain is most likely to absorb the suggestions.
They say that certain foods can cause bad dreams. Well I don't know if that's true but, I do know from personal experience that when I eat cheese or drink milk, I seem to have more intense dreams. Not necessarily bad dreams. Then again, sometimes when you eat food before bedtime that gives you indigestion, it might seem that it is causing you to have dreams. This is do to the fact that the indigestion is keeping you slightly awake. You know that borderline sleep level I mentioned earlier, so you are slightly aware of these dreams. There is one other thing to consider. If you are having intense dreams and they are in color then more than likely you are having a OBE. Out-body-experience or otherwise known as Astral Projection. We are not going to get into that for right now. We will on another page. All right let's get going! There are 4 easy steps to this. That's it!
1. Preparing for Bed : Try to get the body as relaxed as you can. If you have to stretch or even do Yoga all the better. You can even meditate to clear your mind, so that that you are more prepared for the next step. You don't have to eat or refrain from eating before bedtime. You may do as you like. Try experimenting with eating different foods before bedtime and see if you get any different results in the end. Make sure you have a pen and pad handy to write with next to the bed.
2. Programing : This is the most important part. When you get to that borderline sleep level (which is right before you are completely asleep) you must tell yourself over and over again that you will remember all your dreams and you will wake up after each dream and write down your experience. If you don't like having to repeat all that then try tape recording yourself saying these things. Make sure that you tape at least 10 - 15 min. worth. That should be sufficient.
3. Taking Notes : This is also very important. If you successfully wake up
after each dream, then you must write down everything you can remember in detail. Write down whether the dream was in color or black and white. This is why we will keep a pen and pad next the bed. Make sure not to put it in the bed with you. You don't want to end up stabbing yourself in your sleep. Then you must try to go right back to sleep. Keeping the pen and pad handy. Hopefully you will go right into another dream and repeat the process.
4. Reviewing the Night : Now it is time to review the night. You will be amazed at how many dreams you actually had that night! I usually find that I have 10 - 15 dreams a night and sometimes more. Everyone dreams and everyone dreams many times a night, they just don't know they do until they try something like this. Make special note of dreams that are in full-blown color, for you will want to reference them once you start studying Astral Projection.
At the end of this page is a Module that will show you the current moon phase. If you click on it it will take you to the people whom make the software that you may download so you can have full month calendars. This will help you to plan when to do your Spells or plant your seeds for your Herb Garden.
ReplyDeleteThe Moon phase... The proper Moon phase is one of the keys to success in Spell casting. There are many Spells that I do on the night of the Full Moon for maximum effect and potency just as farmers may plant there seedlings during the Full Moon. The Moon effects everything and can effect our moods and actions. Ever notice that people seem to be more wound up and crazy during the Full Moon? I see it all the time. There are four phases of the Moon... New Moon, Waxing Moon, Full Moon and the Waning Moon. Each of these phases has a 7 day period for doing your Magical workings. If you add these phases up, you come up with the 28 day lunar month. The time period for each phase is... 3 days before to 3 days after. This gives you plenty of time to plan and do you Spell casting. Not everyone can plan on doing Magic on one certain day, so this opens the window of opportunity for those of you who have a busy schedule. Here is what the different phases are normally used for in Magic.
New Moon - There are usually two days of the new moon. This phase is very similar to the Waning Moon and used to rid ones self of things.
Waxing Moon - This is when the moon is increasing in size of visibility. This phase is for doing Spells that might increase your gain such as Love, money, power or other material things.
Full Moon - This the phase where I do my most important spells. For my beliefs are that my Magic is much more powerful during this phase. Most people like my friends only consider the Full Moon the actual day that it is the fullest and marked on the calendar. They do not know that the Moon has the same influence for a seven day period. Once again I personally prefer to work on the night of the Full Moon, at its fullest.
Waning Moon - This is when the moon is decreasing in size of visibility. This phase is normally for Spells that do away with things or make things go away. Such as making an enemy go away or a bad spirit or slander along with many other things.
Third Quarter Moon
52% of Full
Sat 12 May, 2012
moon phases
Planetary Hours and Days...... this is something allot of people over look when doing Spells and their Magickal workings. Some people do not even know about them. Most people just go by the Moon Phase and whether it is Waning or Waxing or Full. But you can make your Spells much more effective by using Planetary Hours and Days and combine them with the Moon Phase. For instance.... The Day for doing Love Spells would be Fridays and the Hour would be determined by the Latitude and Longitude of the City that you live in. This could be combined with the Moon Phase where the Moon would be Waxing. This is where the Moon is getting bigger in size and is used for when you want things to come to you. So now you would have the proper Day, Hour and Moon Phase to do your Love Spell. Let's take another example.... The Day for doing Money Spells would be Thursdays and once again the Hour would be determined by the Latitude and Longitude of the City that you live in. Thus you would also use the Waxing Moon Phase. It's like giving your Spells some extra Power and kick in the ass to get get going and do their work. Each Planet has a specific day...
ReplyDeleteMonday - The Moon
Tuesday - Mars
Wednesday - Mercury
Thursday - Jupiter
Friday - Venus
Saturday - Saturn
Sunday - The Sun
Now many of you are going to ask..."What each of these Days are good for doing what type of Spells and Magickal workings?" For that... I shall refer you to my Magickal Days page.
Ok just so you know.... If you are doing Spell work or other Magickal workings that take several days to do.... you can start the work on the proper day but each day after will not be the right day but that is ok because you will still use the proper Planetary Hour that day. For instance... (I am using my time zone as an example)
Let's say you are doing you a Money Spell that takes 3 days. Start the Spell on a Thursday (the day of Jupiter) at 9:36 pm then you do your Spell work for the next 2 days. The next day is not the day of Jupiter but we will use the proper planetary hour of 6:35 pm. The the following day at 10:34 pm. Now each day has 2 sets of hours for each of the Planets I have listed. We have the AM hours and the PM hours. This makes it a little easier for you to pick the proper time of day according to your own schedule.
For those of you whom wish to Conjure or Invoke Angels, Demons and Gods.... this is a must know. All Celestial Intelligence's have their specific days and hours to be Invoked or Conjured.
Now.... there are many books on Planetary Hours and Days. The Days are the easy part. The hours.... well I myself have never been able to get it it right trying to do it on my own calculations.... well lets just say I sucked at it. But with this free software called ChronosXP.... it is a easy cake and like I said... it's free! Here is the link to it....
Here is a screen shot of it.....
Now what Im going to tell you is very important! After you have the software... you must tell it your proper Latitude and Longitude of the City that you live in. To do this simply Google it and write it down and make sure you write it down correctly. If you do not have the right info put into it.... you will not get the proper hours out of it to do your Magickal workings. Thus your Magick will be worthless. Don't forget to also set it if you are in a Daylight Savings time zone. This is about accuracy to make your Spells and such have much more power.
So hopefully this will help all of you in your Magickal workings.
Magical Days and their Planets
Type of Magical workings that can be done on that Day
Sunday Sun
Good for doing Spells or Magickal workings for Joy, Healing, Hope, Truth, Positive Energy, Business and Friends. It can be used to make Talismans that will make a man potent in all his works, Amiable and escalating his Fortunes.
Monday Moon
Good for doing Spells or Magickal workings for Protection in Journeys, Clairvoyance, Intuition, Health of the body, getting rid of Enemies and other Evil things or Beings. Also for removing Malice or Ill will and increasing ones Riches.
Tuesday Mars
Good for doing Spells or Magickal workings for making a man strong in War whether is be physical or Spiritual. Also good for Passion, Confidence, and winning Judgment to ones favor. On the bad side it can be used to cause Discord, Hatred, Chaos, and removing a man from Riches, Honors and Dignities, rendering Hunters and and Fighters unfortunate,
Wednesday Mercury
Good for doing Spells or Magickal workings for Divination, Dreams, preventing Poverty, and for attaining Knowledge of thing of this World and the Spirits World.
Thursday Jupiter
Good for doing Spells or Magickal workings for Money, Riches and favor, Peace, Love, Concord, appeasing Enemies and confirming Honors and Dignities.
Friday Venus
Good for doing Spells or Magickal workings for Love, Passion, Sex, Conception, ending Strife, dissolving Enchantments and promoting Concord.
Saturday Saturn
Good for doing Spells or Magickal workings for Past Life Recall, Illness, Bindings and Banishings or getting rid of Negative Energies or Bad Habits. Also for making a man Safe, Powerful and to cause success of Petitions. On the bad side it can be used to cast a man from Honors and Dignities or cause Chaos, Discord and Arguing.
The Magic Circle.... a Consecrated Circle in which Great feats of Magical Operations are performed.
ReplyDeleteIt is a Sacred space set aside for Ceremonies and Rituals of High Magic.
I am not going to go into major detail here... I am going to give you just the basics for your Curiosity.
Within the circle one can transcend the physical world and take the mind to deeper and higher levels of consciousness. It acts as a protection barrier from all Evil and unwanted Entities. From within this Magical Circle the Magician can Invoke and or conjure up any Demon or Angelic being that is desired for their bidding. Now take note that the Entities are conjured to appear outside of the circle and into the Triangle of the Solomon (Triangle of the Art). The Magic Circle is for the Magician to stand in along with those who might wish to witness a Magical operation as such. The Circle must always be cleansed and Consecrated to make it a Sacred Protection barrier.
There are many different Magic Circles that have been found throughout time from many different Grimoires. Most all have Sacred names of God and symbols that are inscribed all around the inside border of the Circle. By looking at the different Circles you will see that some have many many names that are hard to read..... these Circles would be impossible to make because if you can't read it... then you can't be sure you have the right names and this will serve as no protection.
You will see that there are also ones that are much easier to read and comprehend.... a much wiser choice.
Which Circle is the best?... that is for you the Magician to decide. I myself prefer one of my own making that contains names of God that I am used to invoking for protection.... not too intricate and not too simple. It must be right for you... for all your energy will be built up within this circle.
Now many of you whom think you know it all may want to write me and tell me that they have to be certain colors and so forth... I say Bullshit. What I am telling you comes from trial and error.... that is Experience. A Magic circle can be drawn in the sand or carved in concrete or painted on fabric. If they are painted on a surface they are usually in Black and White. All these methods of using a Magic Circle have worked for many famous Magicians/ Sorcerers for decades. If Aleister Crowley were alive today he would tell you the same.
Below are some of the Famous Magic Circles that have been used throughout time. There are others that can be found in different Grimoires, but these are enough to give you an idea of how they differ from each other and their similarities.
Click on each Circle to see a larger image...
There are many different wordings that may be used in Consecrating and Blessing a Circle. They may vary from one Grimoire to another. It can be simple or complicated depending on your preferences. It can be long or short and worded to fit your needs.... it does not have to be from a Grimoire... it can be one that you have made up yourself and comes from the Heart. I myself prefer one that fits in with High Magic and God Almighty, such as the one below. What you are doing is simply Praying or asking the Deities that you believe in to Bless your circle and Consecrate it as your protection barrier. This one that I have provided here, is my favorite and it is from a book called "The Magus" a Complete System of Occult Philosophy.
ReplyDeleteIn the name of the Holy, Blessed, and Glorious Trinity, proceed we to our work in these mysteries to accomplish that which we desire; we therefore, in the names aforesaid, consecrate this piece of ground for our defense, so that no spirit whatsoever shall be able to break these boundaries, neither be able to cause injury nor detriment to any of us here assembled: but that they may be compelled to stand before this Circle, and answer truly our demands, so far as it pleaseth Him who liveth for ever and ever; and who says, I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, which is, and which was and which is to come, the Almighty; I am the First and the Last, who am living and was dead; and behold I live for ever and ever; and I have the keys of Death and Hell. Bless O Lord! this creature of earth wherein we stand; confirm O God! Thy strength in us, so that neither the adversary nor any evil thing may cause us to fail, through the merits of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Let me remind you that Casting a Circle is not the same. Similar in some ways but not the same. Casting a Circle is Ritual for Witches who want to set up a circle for protection and it is not the same type of circle as the ones on my Magic circle page. I am not a Witch and I am not Wiccan.
I am a Magician/Sorcerer that mainly practices Ceremonial High Magic... so I am simply showing you what I use.
Casting and Closing a Circle
ReplyDeleteThe Purposes of a Circle
A sacred circle has several purposes, the most significant of which is to define an area where formal ritual work can be performed. A circle is a place in which the rules and conditions are different to that of the everyday world. A circle is not a barrier, but a doorway to another world. To contain any magickal energy raised and to prevent its dissipation until it has been used up is another purpose of the circle. The sacred circle does not need to be physically represented (drawn or marked on the ground), it just needs to be visualised. The circle is a spiritual entity.
How to Cast a Circle
A circle can be cast for all magickal acts. The size of a circle varies vastly – it should be able to comfortably fit those using it. Certain actions must be performed and certain words said in a loud, clear voice. An altar should be placed in the circle – in a north, centre or east position.
1. Cleanse yourself and you chosen area. You should have a bath and clear the area completely. Set up an altar with the following items: a flat pentagram symbol, two black candles, an athame or sword, a small bell, a bowl of salt, a bowl of water, a chalice and a saucer.
2. Light your altar candles. Holding blade, walk around your circle, and say: “With this sacred blade I cast the circle of my craft. May it be a doorway to a sacred circle beyond time and space. Let it be a meeting place for all good, and may it deter all wickedness.”
3. Stand in front of your altar, pick up your bell, and say: “In the names of the Goddess and the Horned God, I cast this my working circle.” Afterwards, ring your bell.
4. Return to the North and raise your blade high before you. Call out: “Bear witness, Spirits of the North, guardians of Wicca.” Go to the East, South and West and repeat at each.
5. At the altar, put your bowl of salt on the pentagram and lower your blade into the bowl of salt, saying: “I exorcise thee, so that it may be purified and may aid me well.”
6. Put your bowl of water on the pentagram and take a pinch of salt and sprinkle it into the water. Lower the blade of your athame into the water, saying: “I cleanse and consecrate thee, Water of Life, and ask you to bless this circle. In the names of the Goddess and the Horned God, so mote it be!”
7. Pick up and hold the consecrated water and walk slowly around the circle again (still clockwise), and sprinkle a few drops along the line of the Circle, saying: “I consecrate this sacred circle by the powers of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. May the Goddess bestow her love herein, and the Horned God his honour.” Pick up your chalice, pour a small amount in the saucer for the Goddess and the Horned God, then take a sip yourself. After, place the chalice back on your pentagram.
This completes the casting of your circle. Specific activity can now be performed here, such as a Sabbat ritual, making a charm, or healing. It is absolutely crucial you do not leave the circle until your activity is complete, and without properly closing it. When your chosen focus is complete, move on to closing the circle.
How to Close a Circle
Go to the North, hold up your blade, and say, “Guardians and spirits of the North wind, my ritual is now complete. I bid you hail and farewell. Hail and farewell.” Repeat counterclockwise from North to West, to South, to East, and back to the North again.
Extinguish your altar candles and bow your head at the altar, saying, “I declare this scared circle closed. So mote it be.” Ring a bell to complete the closing and step out.
The Mysterious Pentagram...
ReplyDeleteThe Pentagram means different things to different people. Some may argue as to what it represents, but I will tell you what it means to me. The Pentagram right side up represents the Divine God ruling over the world of matter. The 5 points represent the 5 places that Christ was wounded. Traditionally they say that Demons are afraid of it. This is TV and movie crap. Demons would only laugh at you if you thought you could scare them off with a right side pentagram.
The pentagram also represents the Microcosmic man with his arms stretched out.
Let us not forget that it also represents the elements Spirit, Water, Air, Earth, and Fire as shown below.
This is used by most people in Witchcraft.
Now there is also the upside-down Pentagram. It represents Satan or the world of matter ruling over God. Deciding when the inverted star actually came to be known as a symbol of evil can be confusing. There is no general consensus among historians and even Wiccans and witches are not in full agreement. Some say this happened around the time of the Inquisition, while others say it could have been as late as the 19th century. Normally it is only worn by Satanists or devil worshipers, but the Mormans have used this symbol inverted for quite some time and Mormon apologists have quickly come to their church's defense by insisting that pentagrams have historically been a positive symbol and only recently have become a symbol of evil, therefore concluding that any comparison to the Nauvoo pentagrams is nothing more than sensationalism. The Freemasons also use this symbol inverted in their ranks. Now I know they they do worship the "Light Bearer" (Lucifer) but they worship him for the light. So you see someone can take any symbol and change the meaning of it to suit their own needs and this is fine.
Here we have an example of both the right side up and the reversed Pentagram...
Right side up (God ruling) Upside-down (material world ruling)
Many mainstream religion believers think that they are both evil and represent the Devil. But that is because they are so... ignorant and blind to the fact that there is a difference. It shows their lack of study on the true facts of history. I wear the right side up Pentagram and I personally have had many people come up to me and ask me if I am a Devil worshiper. But I explain the reality to them. I will tell you that sometimes it is best not to wear one at all in public simply to save persecution from the ignorant. It is best to wear it during your own magical practices in private. This will be your own choice.
Now it is time to teach you a very important and powerful Ritual called the
Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram...
This ritual will surround and protect you with the power of the Almighty aspects of God and his Archangels. This ritual should be done every day in the morning and at the end of the day. Try not to do it right before bed , because it will energize you to where you won't be able to go to sleep. This ritual is exactly what it says... it banishes all spirits or influences good or bad that may be around you. It gives you an open channel to God with no interference! When you do this you are in the presence of God! So treat it with respect. After a period of time you will notice a difference in your life. You will have that Glow! It strengthens your Aura so that you are like a shinning sun. This ritual is also one of the first ones you would do after conjuring a spirit or using the Ouija board.
"Mirror mirror on the wall... who's the fairest of them all?"
ReplyDeleteRemember that line from the "Evil Queen" in the Disney classic Snow White?
Since the earliest of times Sorcerers, Witches, Soothsayers and so on have used Black Mirrors for Scrying.
Even in the Disney classic "Snow White"... the Evil Queen would Scry looking into the mirror and asking questions concerning her vanity and her rivals.
What is Scrying? It is the divination of future or past events or talking with spirits from another plane of existence by gazing into an object such as the Black Mirror. Now the Black Mirror is not the only thing that can be used for scrying. It can be a puddle of water or a crystal ball or a piece of shiny metal.... even a regular mirror will work. One old favorite is to use a bowl of water and part black ink, which creates a very good black reflection. It can actual be almost any type of object that will allow you to stare into it for long periods of time and gain visions from doing so. The two most popular are the Crystal Ball and the Black Mirror. For me the crystal ball is too bright, although I do also have a solid black crystal ball.
The Black Mirror is my choice for the art of scrying. All in all the items are all used as a focal point. They have no real Super Magical power.... they do have magical energy after they have been consecrated for use and after they have been used a few times they will gather your own magical energies, but all in all it is the Sorcerer/Scryer who has the Power.... the Power to see within the mirror.
The Black Mirror then becomes the window to the Universe and to the Spirit world. It can bring you visions of past lives or things that are to come. It can show you answers to questions you may have or show you your spirit guides for it is a doorway to the other side.
You must understand that Scrying takes quite a bit of practice to develop ones Astral Vision. What is Astral Vision?.... it is the ability to see onto the Astral Planes. For some people who are more psychic inclined it may come naturally easy... for other it may take weeks or months to master. Clearing the mind and concentration without stray thoughts is hard to master just as in meditation.
So as I have stated it can be used for may different things in Magical Divination. For those of you who are interested in studying High Magic... then you know that the Black Mirror is used in the "Triangle of Solomon" for conjuring the Demon or Celestial being into the mirror. The Spirit does not manifest into the physical form.... it manifests as a vision in the mirror by the magician being able to see onto the Astral Plane via the Black Mirror. The Mirror is also surround by 3 sacred names of God and Archangel Michael to help control the spirit.
Now, back to regular Black Mirrors...
Now there are a few places online where you can buy some really nice fancy Black Mirrors. You can get them as fancy as your heart desires. But for those of you who don't want to spend allot of money and would like to get started quickly in the Art of Scrying.... you can simply make your own for about five-seven dollars. Simply go to Wal-mart or Wallgreens and buy a small 5x7 picture frame (you can buy an oval shaped one if you so choose) and a can of flat black spray paint. When you get it home take the glass out and make sure it is clean.... no finger prints. Then paint the back side of it with the flat black paint and let it dry for about a half hour. Then put it all back together making sure that the painted side is facing the back and you now have your Black Mirror ready for you toconsecrate and put on your alter for Scrying.
Ok now that I have given you some history and facts about Black Mirrors. It is time to teach you how to Scry. This is going to be a short lesson because there is not much to teach and there is no secret method to make it work instantly for you. It will be a matter of practice makes perfect.
ReplyDeleteHe who is patient and continually works at this will have success in the art.
Hopefully by now you have a small alter set up to do all your Magic Rituals. This is where you want to set up your Black Mirror.
Mine sits dead center towards the back of one of my alters. Below is a picture of one of my smaller alters that is set up in my office.
You will want to arrange your candles on your alter so they are not seen in the reflection of the mirror and that they do not distract you in any way.
The first thing you need to do before starting is decide what you will be Scrying for.
You will want to do the LBRP... but do the invoking version to start with... at the end of your Scrying you should do the normal Banishing LBRP to get rid of any spirits that may be still hanging around. If you have your own protection type of Rituals then you may use them instead.
Ok now that you have done the invoking LBRP you should sit on a comfortable stool that is the proper height of your Alter. You don't want to be standing for a long period of time.... that is why I myself use a stool or chair. Sit and gaze (stare) into the Black Mirror. Ask the universe to bring you a vision or call upon a spirit guide to show you what you want or need to know. You will need to sit there and gaze into the mirror for a good period of time.... you will know when it is starting to work when you own reflection vanishes and all you see is black. That is the key to knowing that you are getting close to success. From that point on is when your visions will begin to appear. the first few times you may not even see all black... you will probably get bored and quit. This is not the way of the Magician. Patience is a virtue with magic. So it may take a few times to get the total black out effect. From then on you must strive to keep gazing into the mirror. You may only get a glimpse of a unfamiliar face or an unknown landscape. But as the weeks progress you will have success. One of the other most important things besides practice is for you to communicate to the universe or to your spirit guides as to your desires when Scrying. Some of you will find this very easy and many others will simply say this does not work and you may never do it again. Like all magic nothing comes instantly or without true dedication and practicing the art. And all and all it takes an altered state of consciousness... however you so choose to get into that state of mind.
I will say no more about that.
If you look closely at this picture you will see that there is and incense stick which I just lit and there is one thin stream of smoke going upward and curling around in the Black Mirror. Now the rest of the picture is covered in Astral Plasma... you can see that the Spirits have decided to show themselves for my picture. If you study this photo really close you will see a face of what looks like a woman in the Black Mirror.
So you can now see what could be in store for you as you journey into the art of Scrying and Magic.
Using Pendulums also known as Dowsing..... are great way to get answers you need without having to go a Psychic or having to use the Ouija Board which takes 2 people to work good. Yes, with the Pendulum you will be able to do it all by yourself. Plus you can take one with you anywhere at any time of the day and get the answers you need. Pendulums work by tapping into your Higher Self or “I Am Presence” as it is also know. Dowsing has been around for many Centuries.
ReplyDeleteYes... used for Divination purposes to foretell the Future and long ago it was used to divine guilt in trials. Thank God they don't use that system anymore.
Now there are other forms of Dowsing such as using Metal "L" shaped Rods or a Forked "Y" shaped branch. This methods were used for finding water or gems. It is also used to find Spirit Energies in a house and for that I have used the Metal "L" shaped Rods. We are not going to get into that right now. We are going to focus on Pendulums and their use for getting answers.
A Pendulum does not have to be purchased. Times are heard right now and if you don't have the money you can make one with just a ring at the end of a string. You don't even have to have the fancy Pendulum Board. You can just use your hand as I do many times. I do use a nice Black Onyx Pendulum…. but I use my hand underneath it instead of an Answer Board. But I am in the process of making a nice wooden Answer Board.
This is all very simple. As you know... I try to put things in the simplest terms for people to understand. So many Books use big fancy words and a bunch of mumbo jumbo bullshit Philosophy crap that means nothing to most people. So let get started....
Here's how it works. Take your Pendulum by the string or chain (what ever it is attached to) and you will hold it still and ask it a question. If it swings or rotates one way that is yes. If it swings or rotates the other way… it's no. That's the simple version of this.
Now I’ll break it down a little better for you. You now wanna know which way is yes and which way is no…. right?
Here's what you do. Hold the Pendulum in you dominant hand. Put your other hand as I do a few inches below the Pendulum. Keep it still and say…. “Show which is yes”. Then wait to see how it swings. It may swing back and forth as mine does or it may swing in a circular motion in one direction. Both which are shown below. Which ever it does… that will be “yes”. Then ask “Show which is no”. However it swings… that will be “no”. There… now you. What ever you do… don't try to make it swing. Let it work it's self.
Now…. You can get fancy and buy a Pendulum Kit that has everything you need…. the Pendulum, the Answer Board and probably a book explaining the same thing I am telling you. Or you can buy a fancy Pendulum made out Crystal or Hematite or Black Onyx or many other different type stones, gems or metals like me..... anything you desire. Then you can make you own Answer Board. It can be drawn on a piece of paper or painted on a nice piece of wood or even carved into the wood. Like shown below. Using this type of set up will work only with the Pendulum swinging in a back and forth motion. But that is ok, your Higher Self knows this and will use the proper motion.
So... maybe some of you want to buy a fancy Pendulum or Kit that has everything you need... then your ready to go! There are some really cool ones here...!
A Sacred Place for you to find the Spells for your needful things...
ReplyDeleteWelcome everyone to my Spells page. For those who are not yet experienced in the art of casting spells, a word of warning... These pages contain Black, White, and Gray magic. the Black magic is put here for educational purposes. Those who wish to practice Black Magic must understand the laws of the universe... What goes around comes around! If you send evil out, it will eventually come knocking back at your door.
Yes there is Gray Magic! Gray magic is White Magic turned Black . Let's say you do a spell to obtain money, but then a week later your mother dies and leaves you some money. What started out to be white magic was actually gray magic which then turned to black magic. You see gray magic is magic that can turn white or black. That is why you should always do a divination with the Tarot cards or what ever method you prefer to find out the outcome of your workings before you do them! This way you will be sure to harm none in your spell castings. Even if you meant no harm, yet someone was harmed, you will have to except the Karmic responsibility! Once again... What goes around comes around!
What is Thou looking for? If you can't find it on my page, then search the web for right here...
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These Spells were submitted by many people all over the world. You may see many Spells with the same name but they are different.
Choose your Poison carefully!
Enemy move away Spell Truth Spells Agree Spell
Magickal Potions
Getting Over Someone Spell Soften the Heart Spell
Riches Healing Sickness spell Wart Spell
Money Health Conjuring Raw Energy
Love and Chaos Healing Physical pain Reversal spell
To obtain Love Stop Bleeding The Weed Curse
Vanity and Beauty Lost and Found Spell Candy Charm
To bring love back Witches Hand Shake Liberation Spell
Sex and Lust Spells Psychic Vampires Spell
Stop loving someone Lemon Curse Luck Spell
Youth Preserved Rain Spells To break the Powers of a Spell
Elevated Pride Change your eye color Protection
Break up a Marriage Stopping Gossip Attitude Spell
Enlightenment Spell / Ritual Bring Spirits Speed Up Time
Kissing Spell Get someone to call you Slow Down Time
Stop the Rain Mind of a frog Summoning a Cemetery Spirit
Get what you want Do they like you? Levitation Spell
Binding for the Annoying Make someone forget a Secret Prosperity spells
Wish Spell Soul Mate Dream Spell To Bless a Magical Pen
Third Eye Spells
Dream of me Spell
What Does It Mean To Be Wiccan?
ReplyDeleteTo be Wiccan is to worship the Goddess and her companion the HornedGod, and to follow the philosophies, ethics and practices of the Old Religion. Originally rooted in Paganism, Wicca existed long before Christianity and long before the Church was founded.
Wiccans honour the Earth as their spiritual Mother (the Goddess) and the Sky and the wildness of nature as their spiritual Father (the Horned God). In practice, this means that they esteem nature and the planet on which we live. They venture not to harm anyone or anything, because to them, everyone in the world are their brothers and sisters with an equal right to exist. Wicca is a tradition that works to harm none in thought, word, or deed. Therefore, anyone who says they are a witch but works otherwise should not be considered an authentic Wiccan practitioner.
Witchcraft is still the only spiritual tradition that raises the female above the male, in contrast to patriarchal religions such as Christianity and Judaism. They venerate an almighty male deity, with little positive mention of the female at all. Because of its veneration of a Goddess, Wicca follows the moral values associated with feminine spiritual powers – such as love, peace, and joy – rather than the more masculine religious attitudes of domination, strength, and authority.
Witches work by peaceful means, seeking to unite rather than to divide, to be of service to our communities, and to be the healers, counsellors, and the guardians of all life on Earth. This is because they see themselves as the children of the Goddess and the Horned God that they honour. When this is a truth within a witch, they can only ever love and look after what has been so lovingly created for us.
Wicca in History
Wiccans have been persecuted throughout the ages, as well as thousands of innocent people. The Salem Witch Trials were arguably the most well-known trials concerning witchcraft. So many innocent people died due to fear of the unknown. And why the dreadful fear of witchery? Power. People are afraid of someone having power over their lives. Yet witchcraft is not a religion based on power, nor does it try to seize control over or turn other people.
Witches and accused witches were persecuted for hundreds of years, until, in 1951, the law in England was rewritten because of a Wiccan High Priest named Gerald B. Gardner. While employed as a civil servant, he decided to declare his religious preference – Witchcraft. He demonstrated a ritual to the Parliament and explained the nature of his worship so they would realise that his religion was not about demons, destruction and sacrifice. Wicca was portrayed in its nature: the peaceful worship of the Goddess and the Horned God, equality in all living things. The Parliament declared Witchcraft a legal religion. In 1953, Gerald B. Gardner petitioned his right to coven, and that right was also declared legal.
The Wiccan Rede is the philosophy that Wiccans follow:
Hear now the words of the Witches,
The secrets we hid in the night,
When dark was our destiny’s pathway,
That now we bring forth into the light.
This world has no right then to know it,
And world of beyond will tell naught,
The oldest of Gods is invoked there,
The Great Work of Magick is wrought.
And Do What You Will be the challenge,
So be it in love that harms none,
For this is the only commandment.
By the magick of old be it done!
The Wiccan Rede is the philosophy that Wiccans follow. Many variations of the Rede exist, but many are only slightly different. It was originally taught from generation to generation, but when Witchcraft was legalised, it was published in a number of places.
Basic Wiccan Terms
ATHAME - a ceremonial dagger.
BOOK OF SHADOWS - a journal of magickal workings.
COVEN - a group of Wiccans under the guidance of a High Priestess.
ESBAT - a Wiccan moon festival; sometimes known as a lesser Sabbat.
GAIA - Ancient Greek Earth Goddess.
GODDESS – the primary female deity of witchcraft.
HANDFASTING – a ritual which is the Wiccan equivalent to a wedding.
HANDPARTING – a ritual to mark the end of a relationship.
HORNED GOD - the primary male deity of witchcraft.
SABBAT – a Wiccan festival.
SACRED CIRCLE - a sacred area in which formal ritual working is to be performed.
The Sabbats
The dates of the Sabbats vary each year, but they are usually celebrated within three days of the dates below. There are also variations on the spellings of the Sabbats, and even some variations on their names. Below are the ones I was raised with.
Samhain, October 31st
Samhain marks the end of the Wiccan year and the birth of a new one. It is the festival of remembering ancestors, and at this time, the veil between worlds is at its thinnest.
Imbolc, February 2nd
Imbolc is the dawn of Spring. At Imbolc, the Goddess is the virgin bride returning to Earth. Imbolc literally means ‘in the womb’ in Gaelic, and represents the awakening of new life.
Beltane, May 1st
Beltane is by far the most magickal festival of the Wiccan Wheel of the Year. This is the Sabbat that calls to celebrate magick and call for new relationships, for joy and fertility, and for the blessing of unions. Handfastings and Handpartings are best done on or around this Sabbat.
Lughnasadh, August 1st
Named after the warrior sun god, Lugh, it is the time for taking Oaths, signing contracts, showing feats of strength, playing games and celebrating.
Blend together (using the eyedropper, a drop at a time) until the scent
ReplyDeleteseems perfect. Make up two ounces or so. Then add one pinch dried yarrow.
Yarrow is used in love and marriage spells since it has the power to keep a
couple together for 7 years. Seven is the number of Venus, the planet of
love. When finished, pour into twin crystal jars. One of these is given to the
woman, the other to the man. Every night the couple should anoint one
another, using their own jars. When seven nights have passed, the oils
should be blended together, poured into one of the jars, and the other jar
should be hidden in some secret place.
Love Attraction Oil
A 2 dram glass vial
Grape seed Oil - to match Narcissus dilute
1 whole red rose bud
1 drop ginger essential oil
3 drops Jasmine essential oil
10 drops Narcissus essential oil in 5% dilution in rapeseed oil 3 drops Rose
Maroc essential oil
First, place the rose bud in the vial. If you have trouble, use some red rose
petals. Then add the narcissus oil first, then the other oils and lastly, grape
seed to the top.
To use - anoint a candle, yourself or a love attraction charm with this oil.
For a more subtle scent used on your person, use aromatherapy scent pads
in an aromatherapy necklace which allow slow and gentle diffusion of a
scent. Test before using! Narcissus can cause bad reactions in some people. To
test, place a small amount of oil on your inner elbow for a night. If you have
a reaction, do not use anywhere on your body. Do not use on sensitive or
intimate areas. Do not ingest or add to food.
Love Drawing Oil
Use two tbsps. of any one of the following: jasmine, red rose or lavender to
two oz of oil. Add a small piece of orris root to each bottle.
(for men)
Mix together two parts red rose petals to one part cinnamon. Use two tbsps.
of this mixture to two oz of oil. Add a small piece of orris root to each bottle.
Love Oil
15 parts dilute Rose Otto (3 percent rose otto absolute in a jojoba oil base)
15 parts dilute Jasmine (3 percent jasmine absolute in a jojoba oil base)
2 parts Lavender Oil
Add a 1-inch piece of vanilla bean and a little sprig of Yarrow to the bottle.
Lust Oils
These oils are for you to wear and feel good about yourself, not to trap a
poor innocent person into bed with you. They'll give you a sexy aura, but
remember the Rede: An it harm none, do as ye will. No magick intended to
attract a particular person to you please!
Make sure you use only pure essential oils for these anointing oils. Fragrant
oils often contain chemicals and cannot create the energies you need to
work with.
Use organic or bio-dynamic carrier oils wherever possible.
ReplyDeleteTo attract a woman Oil
10mls carrier oil such as Sweet Almond, Peach Kernel, Jojoba or Grape
Seed 6 drops sandalwood 3 drops cinnamon 3 drops patchouli
To attract a man Oil
10mls carrier oil such as Sweet Almond, Peach Kernel, Jojoba or Grape
Seed 6 drops sandalwood 3 drops ylang ylang 3 drops ginger 2 drops
Place the carrier oil in an amber or blue glass bottle, then add the essential
oils. When you have placed the lid on the bottle, give it a shake to mix the
oils together. The oil can be charged by placing on a clear quartz cluster, or
you can add a tiny quartz crystal or amethyst crystal into the bottle. If you
will be keeping the oil for a considerable time, you may add about 2-3mls of
wheatgerm oil.
Peace and Love Massage Oil
3 drops Patchouli
3 drops Sandalwood
1 oz. Unscented base oil
Romance Blend
3 drops Cedarwood essential oil
3 drops Lavender essential oil
2 drops Sweet Orange essential oil
Use this blend in an aromatherapy/oil burner. Be sure to light some candles
and put on soft music. Inhale.
Romantic Escape Oil
1 drop orange essential oil
2 drops cedar essential oil
2 drops clary sage essential oil
2 drops pure vanilla extract (from the grocery store)
2 ounces canola oil
Mix together and store in a dark place. Use for massage.
by Judith Fitzsimmons and Paul Bousquet.
Strengthen Existing Love Oil Blend
9 drops palmarosa essential oil
7 drops ylang ylang oil
3 drops ginger essential oil
4 drops rosemary essential oil
3 drops cardamom essential oil
1 ounce jojoba oil
By SheelinSnowflower
To Attract Love Oil Blend
5 drops cardamom essential oil
15 drops palmarosa essential oil
5 drops rose essential oil
1 ounce jojoba oil
By SheelinSnowflower
To Bring A Lover Back Oil Blend
5 drops honeysuckle absolute
5 drops carnation absolute
5 drops rose essential oil
1 ounce jojoba oil
By SheelinSnowflower
To Heal A Broken Heart Oil Blend
5 drops rose essential oil
5 drops neroli essential oil
15 drops cedarwood essential oil
5 drops lavender essential oil
1 ounce jojoba oil
By SheelinSnowflower
Valentine Delight Oil
2 drops lavender
3 drops ylang ylang
3 tablespoons almond oil
Mix and use for massage.
Erotic Massage Oil - Arabian Nights
Coriander 3 drops
Frankincense 3 drops
Lime 2 drops
Rose 2 drops
Add to 25ml base oil.
Erotic Massage Oil - Eros
Coriander 3 drops
Ginger 1 drop
Sandalwood 6 drops
Add to 25ml base oil.
Erotic Massage Oil - Sultry Nights and Roses
Geranium 3 drops
Patchouli 2 drops
Rose 3 drops
Add to 25ml base oil.
Erotic Massage Oil - Titania
Bergamot 3 drops
Lavender 2 drops
Neroli 3 drops
Vetiver 1 drop
Add to 25ml base oil.
Erotic Massage Oil - Tonight Josephine
Bergamot 2 drops
Jasmine 4 drops
Lavender 2 drops
Petitgrain 2 drops
Add to 25ml base oil.
Erotic Massage Oil - Velvet Seduction
Rose 2 drops
Sandalwood 5 drops
Ylang Ylang 2 drops
Add to 25ml base oil.
Magickal Potions....
ReplyDeleteAlso known as a Philtre.... a form of a Magickal Charm... a concoction of herbs and and extracts of or excretions of animals including animal parts.
More intense forms of this practice were used in Alchemy.
Sorcerers, Witches, Evil and Good doers of the Occult Arts engaging in the art of Magickal Potions.
Intended use being to cause Love or Lust of one they desire, or perhaps make one fall asleep or maybe even bring the end to ones life. One can easily visualize the Being standing by the Cauldron mixing away the brew to is soon to slew.
We have seen it all in the movies over exaggerated by the ugly as hell Witch. But is has been quite a common practice among those whom truly dwell in the Occult Arts and wish to manipulate others for their own devilish reasons.
So for some it may be a poison for the soul and drink of Death and for others the magical sexual potion to meet our Lustful Desires. For me the Magickal Potion is Red Bull or Monster Energy Drinks. For me it has changed my life in new ways. For in the morning it is the way to bring the dead back to life. Then again when Night Time falls.... Red Bull and Yegermiester brings out the Beast in me.
Any type of mixture that can alter your life or vision can be considered a potion.
I myself mix potions in the candles I make to give them the Magick they need. Here are some of Magical Potions 4 you.
Choose your Poison well my friend.....
Try pure essential oil of sweet pea. It draws people
to you. Diluted with perfume diluant and used on the
clothing it will help you pick up girls in bars. It is
very nice, but it draws all kinds of people, and you
Burnt knotted shoelace
color: black
Confuses one who is trying to cast a spell on you. Good for
breaking curses and hexes.
Works very well.
Dragon's Blood resin
Cinnamon oil
Cay oil
Gum arabic
Rose oil
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Benzoin gum.
Add 2 tablespoons of this mix to 2 ounces of oil.
Potion to Make you Stop Loving Someone
Ingredients: ginger, cinamon, salt, pepper, lemon, water and rose petals. Now here's the tools you will need: black candle, something to light the candle with, spoon to stir with and a rock and cup. Now light the candle and say one time: dark sides make me stop loving this man/woman Name(say full name).Then Take all of the ingredients and put into the cup but before drinking say this 3 times: With this potion I banish my feelings for (say his/her full name) Forever. Now drink the potion.Then Put the rock at the foot of your bed (that will turn your love for him/her feelings into hatered). Now the spell is done, but it only works for some people and there's no guarantee that it will work for everyone.
ReplyDeleteDelicious Spicy Love Potions (mulled Wine)
Mortar and pestle
red wine
beautiful glasses for serving the wine
1 red candle
1 stick of incense
a saucepan
3 types of love herbs, 1 teasp of each (Please check that the herbs you chose are not poisonous )
Prepare your altar, light the incense and candle. Grind the herbs in your mortar and pestle (If you
have used it for grinding poisonous herbs, then either buy a new one for cooking, or use a food
processor ), charge the herbs for your magical purpose. Put enough wine in the saucepan, simmer,
then add herbs slowly. As you do it, feel your intention for love, stir in herbs, keeping your focus.
For best results, do on the waxing of the moon and chose herbs that suit your taste. Some herbs
and spices do have a very strong taste.
have to pick which ones you want to stick around.
War Water
<> War Water is Iron Rust in water along with other ingredients that are added according to the desires of the Spellcaster. Mars... <>the Roman God was the God of War and his metal was Iron.
Additional ingredients included in War Water to make it stronger are magnetic sand and a rusty nail or coffin nail. Spanish moss provides the proper darkness to the rust color of the mix and gives an appropriate "swamp water" scent when you break the bottle open. To strengthen War Water add nails from specific locations such as a hospital, to cause injury; a court house, to make someone lose a court case, a jail, to get someone arrested, the person's job site, to make them get fired.
Fire Magic has been around for centuries. Here exposed to you now is the Art of Magic and Fire! Fire magic can used for White or Black Magic, but don't get burned! This type of magic is best done outdoors to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning, or burning your house down. Please take extreme caution when doing these rituals! This is not for children or minors!
ReplyDeleteTo obtain love from a specific person...
At night time light a small fire in a cauldron or what ever you have available to contain the fire. Cut out a piece of paper that is 3 inches by 3 inches. Draw a heart on it and color it in with red. Write the name of the name of the person that you desire on the heart. While doing all this be thinking of this person being attracted to you and not being able to resist you! Think of his his or her heart burning with desire for you just like the flames of the fire. Then kiss the name on the heart 3 times. Place the paper in the fire while saying these words 3 times. Do so with utmost sincerity...
"Fire come from below,
bring me love that I do know,
make my heart blaze and shine,
to bring the love that will be mine!"
Soon my love will come a day,
three times strong and here to stay!"
Stay and meditate on the spell you just did, seeing it come true! After you are finished concentrating for a few minutes, extinguish the fire. Soon your love will come to you!
To make Bad Luck go away...
At night time light a small fire in a cauldron or what ever you have available to contain the fire. Write on a piece of paper that is 3 inches x 3 inches, the words BAD LUCK. Then write down any bad things you do not like in your life right now. Then draw a big X across the paper with a black marker. While doing this you should be thinking of how all these things are going to disappear from your life, never to return! Place the paper in the fire and repeat the following words 3 times...
"Fire, fire burning bright
turn my darkness into light!
Take away my bad luck ill,
bring me nothing but goodwill.
Bad luck came and stayed to long,
be gone forever, be gone, be gone!
With this fire burning bright,
bring me good luck, bring me light!"
After repeating these words 3 times, sit for a few minutes and concentrate on the bad luck being gone and the good luck coming your way! When you are done extinguish the fire.
To stop Slander or Gossip...
At night time light a small fire in a cauldron or what ever you have available to contain the fire. Write on a piece of paper that is 3 inches x 3 inches, the word Rumors and the rumors that are being spread about you. Do not write the names of those who are slandering you! You do not want to harm them and suffer the consequences with karma! Be thinking of these lies going away never to return as you draw an X with a dark marker across the paper. Toss the paper into the fire and repeat the following words 3 times...
"Rumors, slander standing stout,
with this X, I cross you out
I toss their words into the fire,
all these lies no longer hire
All bad things done and said,
leave my life, be gone be dead!
All the evil that they say,
make it all go away!
Rumors carry me no more,
be gone be dead, be no more!"
I have taken down all my Great Black Magic Curses and Hexes.
ReplyDeleteTheir are a couple reasons. One is because there are too many young people out there who are coming to my site for the purpose of wanting to use Black Magic to Destroy their enemies. They do not realize the consequences of their actions and do not know the price they would pay.
It is like giving a loaded gun to an innocent kitten.
Revenge is not that sweet unless God does it for you.
Revenge is not that sweet when the Evil you send out comes knocking back at your door.
I am just looking out for those of you who do not know better.
Are willing to die or be seriously hurt just so you can have revenge?
There is no satisfaction in that.
Everything comes full circle. It is the Law of the Universe.
To Hell with the 3 Fold law....
Just remember, that which you send out will come back to you.
Do good things and ye shall be rewarded. This is also the reason why I have taken these spells down.
I do need the Karma from providing you with darkness.
Superstitions, Omens, and Beliefs...
ReplyDelete"Things happen in three's" THEY REALLY DO!
Handed down through the ages of time are many different superstitions. It may be about a certain Charm or Amulet that you wear to protect, ward off, or attract certain things. Or it may be about every day things like a black cat crossing your path, or walking under a ladder. All these things I will try to show you as I know them. Some of them may sound stupid, some may sound more realistic. You make the ultimate decision on what to believe and what not to. You make your own truth!
ARROW - Symbol of desire and virility.
ARROW HEADS - Worn as an amulet to ward off evil.
BEES - Bearers of goodwill. symbol of virginity.
BELLS - Symbolizes peace and non-violence. Used to ward off evil influences. Legend has it that demons cannot stand the sound of bells.
BALANCE - Symbolizes justice.
BORE - Symbolizes evil according to ancient Thebes.
BROOM - If a broom falls in your home... unwelcome company will come to visit you.
CATS - Cats worn on a broach or amulet bring good luck. A black cat crossing your path is considered bad luck.
CRACKS - Step on a crack, break your mothers back.
CRANE - Symbolic bird of the sun.
CROSS-ROADS - Considered to be the ultimate place to do black magic.
DOG - A dog following you home is a good omen.
DOG HOWLING - A dog howling foretells the death of someone nearby.
DOVE - The emblem of purity. A descending dove represents the Holy Spirit.
DRUMS - Symbols of fertility and sexuality.
EAGLE - Warn as an amulet it wards off harm.
EAGLE FEATHERS - Worn to bring prosperity.
EYE - symbolically represents intelligence and spirituality.
FORK - If a fork falls in your home...welcome company will call.
GARLIC - Worn around the neck wards off vampires.
GOAT - In some cultures it symbolizes the devil.
HAND - Worn as an amulet it protects against evil.
HORSE SHOE - Brings good luck when displayed.
MOON - It is considered bad luck to point at the moon anytime.
MOON ECLIPSE - A bad omen of a foreshadowed evil force prevailing.
METEORITES - Falling to the earth is a good omen. The black stone held sacred by Moslems is thought to be from a meteorite.
MIRRORS - To break a mirror is seven years bad luck.
OWL - A symbol of wisdom.
PALM - Symbolizes victory.
PIG - Good luck talisman for some, others consider it to be bad luck or taboo.
PINE CONE - A powerful protection amulet against evil forces.
PHOENIX - A legendary bird that represents resurrection.
RAINBOW - To see a rainbow is good luck. Legend has it that there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
RABBITS FOOT - Prosperity and the ultimate good luck.
SALT - Carried to ward off evil.
SHOOTING STAR - When seeing a shooting star if you make a wish it will come true!
SKULL - Used as a warning sign and represents our mortality.
SPIDER - If a spider lands on your clothes it is considered good luck.
THREE'S - Things happen in three's. And they do!
TIKI - A Tiki is a good luck charm when worn.
TOAD - An amulet to protect you from the evil eye.
TRIANGLE - Symbol of life and the Holy Trinity.
All these superstitions, no matter how silly they sound can be a reality for many people. If you believe in something strong enough then it can come true. It's the power of positive thinking. The same positive thinking you use when you do a spell or make an amulet. If you don't believe in your magic it will not work!
There are many many more superstitions.... the list goes on and on.
The Evil Eye… also known as “Malocchio”
ReplyDeletePerhaps you have heard someone in your lifetime say... "Do not make her mad... for she is a Witch and she will put the Evil Eye on you". Well it does exist and it can happen to you without your knowing that you have been inflicted by someone.
Let's do some history facts....
The Evil Eye is one of the oldest and mostly wide spread inborn superstitions to possess man. The belief that there is a transmittal power of Evil existing in man, which can suddenly discharge upon any object it beholds, has existed since the time of prehistoric man. The origin of the belief is lost in the age of obscurity but carried forward and documented during the time when Witchcraft and Magic long preceded the world of Science. Its existence was attested to in Egyptian Hieroglyphics, the Bible and the classic Greek and Roman Writings. It was widely believed by the Ancients that certain envious or evil people could induce sickness and death merely by casting their Eye on another person. Its piercing force avowed to be so powerful could infect surrounding objects.
There are two kinds of conditions associated with the Evil Eye...
The Moral and the Natural.
The moral power is exercised by the will performing the consciously deliberate action created in the mind. More terrible are those in whom the power of the evil eye is natural and whose destructive look unconsciously can produce harmful effects.
Throughout the years scientists, philosophers and sceptics called the belief of the evil eye a foolish primitive superstition. Even still it continues to influence many people around the world today.
"Evil Eye" symptoms:
1. Total head and back of the neck pain and the feeling of heavy eyes.
2. An Acute uneasiness or apprehension: everything seems to go wrong.
3. Stomach ache accompanied with dizziness and a feeling of vomiting.
The above are preliminary conditions and without the aid of a healer can lead to worse conditions or even Death.
There are several methods or spells that can dispel the Evil Eye if one is inflicted... but they will not work for the inexperienced Magician.
The Art of Conjuring Spirits . . .
ReplyDeleteCelestial Beings, Angels, Demons, and Elemental Spirits.
From the most heavenly of spirits to the monsters of the of the great abyss. These entities can all be summoned to do your bidding or answer your questions. Take warning to heart. These creatures are very powerful and you could end up doing your self more harm than good.
~WARNING!~ This information is for educational purposes only! I do not suggest that you attempt to do any of the following conjuration's unless you are a well experienced Magician/Sorcerer. For the inexperienced it can lead to Demonic possession and or many other bad things!
When a magician gets started he usually performs a couple of standard rituals like
The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, and the Middle Pillar Ritual. These are the most important things he would do in order to protect himself from these Beings. Remember the attitude he gets from a spirit depends on the type of spirit he would so choose to conjure up! There are also several standard items which would be used during the conjuration...
a Dagger, preferably exotic an Alter , at least 3'x3' top on it
White Candles, at least 4 Incense, something pleasing
a Robe Crystal Ball
Triangle of Solomon
Triangle of the Art
the Key of Solomon (book) the Grimoire of Armadel (book)
the Magic Circle a Quiet Place to do these rituals
Now we come to the Magical Circle and the Triangle of the Art. I know you can't make out all the lettering, but this is just to show you the original copy...
Notice in the top of diagram is the Triangle of the Art. This is where the Magician will place the circular Black Mirror, or the Crystal Ball on a stand. Around the triangle are the names Tetragrammaton, Primeumaton, and Anaphaxeton. Inside the Triangle is the name Michael split up. Below it is the Magical Circle in which the Magician will stand. It has many sacred names of God written around the inside border. In the middle of the circle are the names Alpha and Omega, along with 4 hexagrams. As you can see there are 4 pentagrams, one on each corner of the circle. A candle is placed in the middle of each one. The name Tetragrammaton is split up between the five points of each pentagram.
Now we get to the good stuff. If you read all the copies of ancient manuscripts you will see that all the rituals are quite long and complicated. I am going to simplify things for you. You see books like the Key of Solomon, the Grimoire of Armadel, and the Goetia were designed to confuse the ordinary person and discourage them from wanting to attempt these Rituals. This is because the ordinary person attempting these rituals would more than likely become possessed, disease ridden or die. This type of Magical workings is for only the experienced Magician/Sorcerer. Those who think different and want to play with fire, I tell you... You will get burned!
Here is a Magic Circle that can be used. All the lettering can be read easily...
First you need to make sure you have a quiet place to these rituals, where you you will not be disturbed. Make sure that your alter is set up and all the magical tools are displayed on the alter. You need to light the four white candles and the incense. Make sure you have preselected the entity that so desire to summon up. Also make sure you have his sigil written on parchment. Take a few minutes to relax and meditate. Clear your mind of all unwanted thoughts and worries. Take your dagger and perform the invoking ritual of the pentagram. You can also call upon Archangel Michael to surround and protect your magical circle. If you call him and have faith he will be there protecting you. Now lets move on to the invocation ...
The "Triangle of Solomon" also known as the "Triangle of the Art"
ReplyDeleteFirst let me tell you that this information is not teaching you how to Conjure up a Spirit.... it is simply shedding some light on one of the tools used in the Art. So do not write me and try to correct me as to what crap you have read or believe. My knowledge comes from Experience and from a different plane of existence unlike that of yours.
Ah yes... the Triangle of Solomon.... the second most important tool for the Conjuring Magician next to the Magical Circle. The Triangle of Solomon is used in conjunction with the Magic Circle. It is to sit outside the Magic Circle just a few feet away.
What is it and what does it do, you ask?
It is used in the Conjuring of the Demonic or Celestial/Angelic spirits. It is in this Triangle that they will appear and are forced to obey. Why will it make them obey? Because it has 3 Sacred names of God - Tetragrammaton, Primeumaton, and Anaphaxeton one on each side and it has the name Michael (Archangel Michael) which is split into 3 sections MI - CHA - EL. This contains the spirit from escaping and compels them to obey. This does not mean in every case they are going to obey you... but it helps the process. Some Magicians such as the Great Crowley would use Fresh Blood of a Sacrificed animal in the Triangle to attract the Demon. For Blood is the Life force and Demons thrive on it. Crowley would Sacrifice three white doves and pour the Blood into each corner of the Triangle... the Demon would stay until the life force was exhausted, then Demon would leave. This is not something for you to be going out and trying. Those of you whom are reading this are not the experienced and you would only end up possessed or Dead. This is just for your interest and thirst for knowledge.
The Triangle can be found in the Manuscript "The Goetia" also known as "The Lesser Key of Solomon the King". Once again it is one of the most important tools in the Conjuring of Spirits. There are several ways of setting up this Triangle of the Art...
1. You can trace it on the ground in dirt or sand. This is not the greatest way to do it.
2. You can make one out of wood and and paint it. The Triangle and the letters should be black along with the black circle in the middle of it. The interior should be white. You can do it differently if you so choose just as I have in the above picture. The choice is yours. With this method you can set it on the ground and take it with you when you are done with your Magical operation.
These two methods are good for if you are trying to Conjure the Spirit into the Physical.
How big should it be? The best dimensions would be 36"x36"x36".
3. Now... the other method is for Conjuring the Spirit into a Crystal Ball that is placed in the middle of the Triangle or using a Black Mirror in the middle of the Triangle. With this method... one Conjures the Spirit.... but one must Skry or see onto the Astral Plane where then Spirit is. The Mirror or Crystal Ball only acts as a focal point.
You can set up the Triangle on a small round table and place a Crystal Ball in the middle or you can prop up the Triangle so that it is standing up and Gaze into the Black mirror... just as you see in the picture above. Once again... you must be able to Skry or should I say, have Astral Vision... that is... to see onto the Astral Plane. Those whom have not developed this ability will have no success. This takes much practice of Crystal Gazing or Skrying with the Black mirror which is something you can do without conjuring any Spirit and develop your Astral Vision and Psychic Senses.
Anyway... now you have a little more knowledge to save for a day when you are ready to use it.
Ancient Grimoires
ReplyDeleteGrimoires are Ancient text manuscripts used in High Magick and the Black Arts to conjure Demonic, Celestial, Olympic and Angelic beings. They provide the Magician with the sigils or seals of each Diety and a description of how they will appear in form and what tasks they can do for your bidding. Some of these are purely systems of Magick. Some of these books can be easily found on Ebay or Amazon. But some are very hard to find and are not in print anymore. This is where you will have to search for quite some time to find a seller. I myself collect antique versions of these books... so I have old copies and new copies of the same books. Many of them are very confusing and useless books to the newbe in magick... but for the experienced Magician, they are a great asset. This is a list of all the ones I that I know of and there are others out there that I keep coming across yet I do not feel like spending thousands of dollars on a book that is all in Latin. You can search the internet and find allot of these books in PDF format which you can download... but it is not the same as having the real thing sitting in your hands or on your alter.
*Some of these books are known by different names and some; such as the Goetia are known by 4 different names.*
The Key of Solomon
The Lemegeton (or Lesser Key of Solomon) also know as the Goetia
The Goetia or Theurgia the same as above... the Lemegeton
Grimorium Verum (based on The Key of Solomon)
Grimoire of Honorius or also called the Grimoire of Pope Honious
The Book of Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage
The Book of Black Magic and of Pacts
True Black Magic (or The Secrets of Secrets, draws on The Key of Solomon)
Grand Grimoire (or Red Dragon)
The Magus by Francis Barrett
The Black Pullet (or Treasure of the Old Man of the Pyramids or Black Screech Owl)
Verus Jesuitarum Libellus (or True Magical Works of the Jesuits) Supposed Fake
Three Books of Occult Philosophy
Mysteria Magica
The Golden Dawn not a book on conjuring but a system of Magick
The Grimoire of Armadel *This one is my all time favorite Grimoire*
Summoning Spirits by Konstantinos and is a newer book
The Book of Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage
The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses
The Necronomicon... Fake but.... contains real Ancient Deities and so it is not to be played with.
Arbatel of Magick
Ars Paulina or the Pauline Art
Ars Armadel
Ars Nova
Ars Notoria
The Heptameron
The Black Raven by Dr. Faust also known as The Threefold Coercion of Hell
The Arbatel of Magick
The Golden Dawn by Isreal Regardie
The Grimoire of Pope Leo French Grinmoire - Enchiridion Leonis Papae
Malleus Daemonum Exorcist Manual - known as the Hammer of Demons 1620
The Sword of Moses
The Secret Grimoire of Turiel
Three Books of Occult Philosophy Cornelius Agrippa
The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy Cornelius Agrippa
The Curse of the Werewolf
ReplyDeleteIn most old legends the human became a shape shifter by either being born under a curse or by being infected from the bite or scratch (like a virus) from another shape shifter (werewolf). There are also rituals that can be preformed at the right times and under the right conditions that can allegedly turn the caster into a werewolf.
Cursed Werewolf: A cursed werewolf is an individual who have been cursed (usually a family curse) or bitten by another werewolf. They are involuntary participants in the werewolf curse. These unlucky souls are believed to have little or no control over their shape shifting ability to transform from human-to-werewolf. Cursed werewolves are subject to natural phases of the moon's lunar cycle. Once the subject has changed into wolf form the subject's mind blacks out and they will not remember much, if anything, of the details of the night before. The instincts of the animal take over and control the actions of the beast.
Magick Werewolf: A magick werewolf is an individual who has obtained the supernatural ability to shape shift by crafting magical method such as spells, chants, talismans, charms, animal skins, etc. These werewolves have entered the changeling path of their own free will. They have chosen to seek out techniques to become a werewolf and are willing to attempt the process. Magick werewolves are said to have more control over their ability but are still captives to the natural animal instinct of the beast that they are becoming.
Spiritual Werewolf: Spiritual werewolves do not have to change into a werewolf. Spiritual werewolves acquire the aspects of the animal into their personality. They become the animal in spirit. This is often the result of shaman rituals intended to invoke a spirit wolf. This change may also take effect because of a dream, prophetic vision or dream quest. Like magick werewolves the process can also be aided by the use of magick spells, incantations, charms, etc.
Ways to Become a Werewolf: Note: These methods are not created by the author of this website nor are they endorsed by Zerotime Paranormal. These methods are listed as support for the myths and legends of werewolves. I already know that many of these methods do not work, but I will list them anyway because they are part of werewolf history. Do not email me if something on this page offends you personally, religiously, etc., because honestly - I do not care.
1. The number one way to become a werewolf is to be bitten or scratched by another werewolf thereby becoming infected with the werewolf curse. Of course, good luck finding a werewolf that is only willing to only slightly injure you instead of tearing your into a million pieces.
2. Born into a family that has the werewolf curse upon them. Many of these hereditary curses are alleged to go back thousands of years and usually stem from something horrible that occurred in the family bloodline causing that family to be cursed. A powerful sorcerer could have applied the curse to the family or a God or demon could have applied the curse. The only way known to remove this curse is to end the family line.
3. Use black magick or enter into a pact with the devil. Throughout the medieval ages it was believed that werewolves were people who used black magic or make a blood pact with Satan. It was believed that witches could transform themselves into animals in order to kill their enemies and drink their blood.
ReplyDelete4. Infections. The reasoning behind the transmission of the werewolf curse is that there is "something" in the bodily fluids (blood, sweat, saliva) of a werewolf that can be passed on to another carrier just like a disease or virus. A person can knowing or unknowingly become infected by doing any of the following: Eating the brain or flesh of a werewolf - eating the brain of a wolf - drinking water from the paw print of a savage wolf - drinking from a cursed stream - drinking from a stream where three or more wolves have drunk from recently - eating human flesh - having sex or sexual contact with a werewolf.
5. Use a magick belt. There is a Polish legend that says a witch can transform a bride and groom into wolves by laying a girdle of human skin across the threshold at their wedding feast. Then later, the couple would receive dresses of fur and would regain their human shape at will. Magical belts are not uncommon in werewolf legend. Many types of belts (werewolf skin, wolf skin, human skin, human skin of a hanged man) worn by witches and sorcerers were said to be the real power behind the werewolf transformation. When the person put on the belt they would transform into the werewolf and when they were ready to become human again they would release the belt. Destroying the belt, cutting it off or removing it from the werewolf would result in the werewolf immediately turning back into their naked human form. The belts were often crafted with magick symbols engraved into the leather and sometimes adorned with human tongues.
6. Incantations and magick ointments. There are so many werewolf incantations that it is almost pointless to start listed them. The incantations are poem sounding chants that can be send at different times of the year, often in conjunction with special zodiac events or full moons. Along with the chants ointments, magic salves, charms and other enchantments can be used to invoke the wolf spirits or the moon-goddess. The magic salve that was used in these rituals often turned out to contain hallucinogenic plants that would be absorbed into the bloodstream causing effects similar to the drug LSD. The recipes often included ingredients such as fat from children, hemlock, aconite, leaves, cowbane, deadly nightshade, and bat's blood.
7. Invoking the animal spirit. It was very common in both Norse and Native American legends for men to invoke the spirit of the animal. It was believed in Native American cultures that individuals were called by the wolf spirit to become a werewolf. The person would have a dream about running with wolves or have a vision quest of a spirit wolf. There were rituals that would be taught by the spirit animal that would allow the person to invoke the animal spirit and transform into that particular animal. American Indian shaman (skinwalkers) also had the ability to drape an animal skin overtop of their bodies and take on the powers of that animal. The Native Americans considered werewolves to be spiritual creatures. Each tribe had a unique set of beliefs. The Norse always had legends of warriors called berserkers who were legendary for their savagery in battle. A berserker would wear bear or wolf skins and take on the behavior of that animal. A berserker was a feared warrior. Berserkers would fearlessly charge into battle without regard for their own safety. They were burial fighters who seemed not to feel pain. Many armies who faced berserkers and survived commented on how they seemed to have supernatural strength and speed. A berserker would never surrender. They would fight ferociously until death.
ReplyDelete8. Some old fashion bad luck and other werewolf legends. These methods can also be done accidentally or intentionally to become a werewolf. Being born on the winter solstice or Christmas Eve or Christmas Day - being born on a full moon Friday - being conceived under a new moon - being the elder son of priest - being born on Friday the 13th - not going to confession for 10 years - wearing, smelling or eating wolfbane - being murdered on a full moon - attaching Lycanthropous flowers to your shirt on a full moon - plucking and eating a Lycanthropous flower on a full moon - and sleeping at night on Friday while the light of the full moon shines in your face.
Return to Vampires and Werewolves
Zerotime does its best to provide factual accounts and unbiased studies. However, if you believe everything you see and read on the internet then you shouldn't be on the internet! Never take anything at face value. Do your own research and follow up on all reports for yourself. It's the only way to find the real truth.
Vampiric Counts And Lord
ReplyDeleteCount Strahd Von Zarovich
Ivana Boritsi & Ivan Dilisnya
Azalin Rex
Dominic d'honair
Vlad Drakove
Gabrielle Addere
Harkon Lukas
Dr Victor Mordenheim
Mordenheim's Monster Adam
Frantisak Markove
Lord Willfred Godfrey
Malken (Sir Tristen Hirrguaard
Jacqueline Renier
Azrael Dak
The Three Hags
Baron Urik Von Kharkove
Esan The Mad
Alfred Timothy