Welcome To The Shadow Dominions Bottalions

Home Blog Hear We Can Disscuss Your Playstation Home Problems

if your good people And have a Play station 3 join us Or one of our Allied Clubs Posted on the Poster Further Down If you fit these requierments Please join us in our cause to clean up home The Commanders of the Shadow Dominions Battalions Welcome You

Crawling Darkness

Crawling Darkness
Come To Me And Die

Lady of Dark Light

Lady of Dark Light
Were Watching you

The House of Geovonni Bruha

The House of Geovonni Bruha
The next 1

Dark Servent

Dark Servent
The Changeling

The Anchient ones

The Anchient ones
Dark Council

The Housee of Seth Bruha

The Housee of Seth Bruha
The Dark Lord

The Hipno Weel

The Hipno Weel
Time To Behave

T*S*D*B 508th Storm Troopers unit

T*S*D*B 508th Storm Troopers unit

T*S*D*B 508 th scout troopers unit

T*S*D*B 508 th scout troopers unit

Call To Darkness

Call To Darkness
Listen & Come to us

The Dark Book Of The Shadow Dominions Battalions Dark Nation

The Dark Book Of The Shadow Dominions Battalions Dark Nation
T*S*D*B Dark Bible

Saturday 10 March 2012

Shadow Dominions 10-Codes

10-1=receiving poorley
10-2=Receiving Well
10-3=Stop transmitting
10-4=Ok Message recived
10-5=Relay Message
10-6=Bussy Stand by
10-7=Out of service Leaving air
10-8=In service Subject to call
10-9=Repeat message
10-10=Transmision completed Standing by
10-11=Talking to Rapidly(Fast)
10-12=Visitor Present
10-13=Making Food
10-16=Making Pick up at...
10-17=urgent /buisness
10-18=Anything fore us
10-19=Noyhing fore you return to base
10-20=My location is
10-21=Call By Telephone
10-22=Report in person
10-23=Stand by
10-24=complete last assignment
10-25=Can you contact ...
10-26=Disreguard last information
10-27=I Am moving To Chanell..._1Club_2Group_3Local
10-28=Identify Your Station
10-29=Time is up fore contact
10-30=Does not conforme to fcc Rules
10-32=I Will give you a mic check
10-33=Emergency ofl
10-34=Trouble at this station
10-35=Confidential information
10-36=Correct Time is
10-39=You message was deliverd
10-41=Please Turn to chanell_1Club_2Group_3local
10-44=I Have a message Fore you
10-45=All units report
10-50=Break Channel
10-60=What is next message number
10-62=Unable to coppy try calling
10-64=net clear
10-65=awaiting your next message/assignment
10-67=All units comply
10-68=Checking in fore off duty job
10-71=Continue with transmission in sequence
10-77=Negative Contact
10-91=Talk closer to the mic
10-97=Arrived on scene
10-99=Mission complete All units secure
10-100=Bathroom # 1
10-101=Help me
10-200=Bathroom # 2

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