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Saturday 17 March 2012

Star Wars Questions And Answers

Position your cursor over the question mark found beside each question for the answer.

Mos Eisley - Hans Solo was played by Harrison Ford.In the movie 'Star Wars', Obi-wan and Luke hire Hans Solo in what city?

Yavin 4 - The moon was covered with jungle.The Rebel Alliance has a secret base in the film 'Star Wars', where is it?

Owen - By trade he was a farmer.In the 'Star Wars' movie what was the name of Luke's uncle?

Grand Moff Tarkin - He refuses to leave the Death Star and is killed.The Death Star was the master mind of what character in the 'Star Wars' film?

On Banthas - Tatooine is their home planet.In the 'Star Wars' film how do Tuskan Raiders travel?

7 - Bith is the name of their race.In the cantina in the 'Star Wars' movie how many players are in the band?

Corelia - Smuggling was his trade.In the movie 'Star Wars' what was the name of Hans Solo's home planet?

Moisture - His father was also a farmer.Uncle Owen in the movie 'Star Wars' was what kind of farmer?

Biggs Darklighter - They flew together as kids on Tatooine.In the film 'Star Wars' Luke meets up with his childhood friend in red squadron. What was his name?

Hutt - Nal Hutta was his home planet.Jabba is what kind of creature?

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