Welcome To The Shadow Dominions Bottalions

Home Blog Hear We Can Disscuss Your Playstation Home Problems

if your good people And have a Play station 3 join us Or one of our Allied Clubs Posted on the Poster Further Down If you fit these requierments Please join us in our cause to clean up home The Commanders of the Shadow Dominions Battalions Welcome You

Crawling Darkness

Crawling Darkness
Come To Me And Die

Lady of Dark Light

Lady of Dark Light
Were Watching you

The House of Geovonni Bruha

The House of Geovonni Bruha
The next 1

Dark Servent

Dark Servent
The Changeling

The Anchient ones

The Anchient ones
Dark Council

The Housee of Seth Bruha

The Housee of Seth Bruha
The Dark Lord

The Hipno Weel

The Hipno Weel
Time To Behave

T*S*D*B 508th Storm Troopers unit

T*S*D*B 508th Storm Troopers unit

T*S*D*B 508 th scout troopers unit

T*S*D*B 508 th scout troopers unit

Call To Darkness

Call To Darkness
Listen & Come to us

The Dark Book Of The Shadow Dominions Battalions Dark Nation

The Dark Book Of The Shadow Dominions Battalions Dark Nation
T*S*D*B Dark Bible

Saturday 17 March 2012

Shadow Dominions Ranking Sysytem

E-1 Private, E-2 Private First Class, E-3 Private Second Class, E-4 Corporal / Specialist, E-5 Sargent, E-6 Staff Sargent, E-7 Sargent First Class, E-8 Master Sargent/First Sargent, E-9 Sargent Major, E-10 Command Sargent Major, E-11Master At Arms,

                                                                   Flight Squad

E-1 Airman (Basic),  E-2 Airman,  E-3 Airman First Class,  E-4 Senior Airman,  E-5 Staff Sargent,  E-6 Technical Sargent, E-7 master Sargent,  E-8 Senior Master Sargent E-9 Chief Master Sargent,

                                (Note Flight Sargent's Can Be In Pay Grade Of  E-7, E-8, E-9,)

                                                                   Navel Units

E-1 Recruit,  E-2 Apprentice, E-3 Seamen,   E-4 Petty Officer Third Class,   |E-5 Petty Officer Second Class,   E-6 Petty Officer First Class,   E-7 Staff Sargent,   E-8 Gunnery Sargent,   E-9 Master Sargent / First Sargent,   E-10 Master Gunnery Sargent Major

                                                              Warrant Officer
                                              All Branches Except Fore Flight Squad

W-1 Warrant Officer,   W-2 Chief Warrant Officer Two,   W-3 Chief Warrant officer Three,   W-4Chief Warrant Officer Four,   W-5 Master Chief  Warrant officer,

                                                        Commissioned Officers
                                                  Troopers / Flight / Naval / Units:

0-1 Second Leftenent,  0-2 First Leftenent, 0-3 Captain,  0-4 Major,   0-5 Leftenent Colonel  0-6 Master Colonel, 0-7 Brigadier General,   0-8 Major General,   0-9 Leftenent General, 0-10 General,   0-11 Darth Lord,   0-12 Dark Lord,
                                                 Naval Commissioned Officers

0-1 Ensign,   0-2 Leftenent (Junior Grade)   0-3 Leftenent,   0-4 Leftenent Commander,   0-5 Commander,   0-6 Captain,   0-7 Rear Admiral ( Lower Half  )   0-8 Rear Admiral ( Upper Half  )  0-9 Vice Admiral,   0-10 Admiral,

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